bethliberti Member


  • I go to Planet Fitness near the mall. It's $20 a month for a Black Card Membership. I think it's worth it. I used to go to the Baxter YMCA, but the rates kept going up to where I was paying $84/month!
  • If you go to Gray Goat's FB page, the event is posted there. The above link will get you there.
  • How do you sign up for this? I'm on GG's website and can't find anything about it. **edited after a cup of coffee** I found out more info via the Facebook page for GG. :)
  • I go to this PF too. I think the black card is worth it. It's still much cheaper than any other gym around here. It's always clean and the staff is nice. I've never had an issue with equipment being out of order or janky. My only complaints are the spotty wi-fi and the fact most people don't wipe down after using a…
  • I'll be doing this one with my son. We're Team Awesomesauce! LOL Feel free to join our "team" if you'd like to save $5 on registration.
  • Back on MFP and finally joined a group. :) I'm in Greenwod and workout at Planet Fitness near the mall.
  • [/quote] What is OCR? (to a computer geek like me, that stands for Optical Character Recognition - which obviously doesn't apply here... :) ) [/quote] An OCR is an obstacle course race. Whew, I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't know that. I had to look it up when I first read about it. :)
  • I'm getting married in August! That's my main motivation right now. However, I don't want to be one of those women who pack on the pounds after the wedding. Another big motivation is that the endorphins released during exercise really helps with my depression. I would much rather workout, sweat, and possibly be sore than…
  • I wasn't able to sign up for any timed 5k events this month - too many out of town events this month. My goal is to do 8 this year. I've already done 2 (Be My Valentine and Bunny Rock) and have signed up for 2 more (Run or Dye and GraffitiRun) in the summer already. I'm going to do my first OCR in September at (Patriot…