

  • Straps for heavy pulls, and a belt when I go for my heavy sets on squats but thats it. I used to wear gloves, but I think I get a better grip without.
  • No not really. I do some short (non static) stretches during my work out, but that's about it.
  • Creatine is probably the best researched and most effective muscle bulding supplement on the market other than whey protein. You certainly don't need it, but it is very cheap and well worth your money. Without getting too much into the science, it basically recycles ATP which is your muscle energy store.It draws water into…
  • Thanks friend. And you are right. I was mistaken when I said I was eating 250 above my BMR. 2500 is actually my maintenance calorie amount. As for my weight training regimen, heavy is exactly what I am doing. I just want to make sure I am eating enough and at the right amounts to keep up with my weight training.
  • Well you wan't to stick mainly with whole food sources of protein including chicken, fish, and eggs, however it can be difficult to eat the recommended daily allotment of protein in whole foods which in women is about .75- 1 gram per pound of body weight per day (example: a 120 lb women should consume anywhere from 90-120…
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