karimyatt Member


  • Just turned 40, 2 kids, 1st was natural, 2nd was c-section. I sit all day so am finding the shelf is growing. I don't mind the scar but hate how it looks when i am standing up in my undies. I can see the scar stick out further then the rest of my skin. I am very aware of it & can only imagine what my husband thinks, not…
  • well we all tried! I made it to the gym yesterday so I am happy. New start for myself. My 6 year old was great motivation! Now to get there again tomorrow!
    in Wel??? Comment by karimyatt June 2013
  • I was just looking at the SL5x5 program. I noticed that everyone gained weight but also gained definition and muscle so maybe that is why your scale in not moving. Muscel weighs more then fat, remember, LOL!
  • Keep your chin up! You are losing inches and that is huge. I'm almost convinced that the scale is what keeps out attitude down. Unfortunately this is really the only way to measure weekly. Keep up your good work. I am also only down a little, 4lbs. Very frustrating since I started this group. I do see however that we have…
  • Sherrie - GREAT JOB!!! Maybe I should be watching my measurements & not the scale too1 Iahve been doing the 30 day squat challenge & I am on day 16. My butt is looking better but no weight loss. I am also walkingnow ta the weather is better. TONROB - We are still here. I am with you. Can't seem to get my heart into it. The…
  • Sounds Great. Check us out on he Group Bards!
    in 8 weeks Comment by karimyatt May 2013
  • Ner to late, check usout on he Group Board!
  • Welcome Corrie! Glad to have you in the group! We are all on the same journey it seems. the scale is not our best friend & we love food. This group is to help us keep focused and motivate each other to do our best with what we Have. Today was not so great for me. I had a CE insurance class which is boring as can be so…
    in 8 weeks Comment by karimyatt May 2013
  • Yes, that is what I deal with weekly. The up & down of the scale can be very discouraging, frustrating even. Just keep up the good work & in the long run it will pay off. My problem is getting the motivation to get off my butt and workout. After a hard day at work & then going home to walk in the door to my husband sitting…
  • Sherri, I'm there with you too. Have some summer skirts I haven't worn in years I want to get into too. Just was invited to a 40th b-day pool party on June 1st and am dreading it. 4 weeks! Really!! Hope to be down another 5 to 8 by then. May have to do some tanning to not look so pasty too, lol. Wish me luck. If I'm 170 by…
  • Lisa, 8 in 5 weeks would mAke me super happy too. I'd love to see 15 but would be happy with 8!!!
  • I have stated our group & invited all of you, I think. If i missed you please join!
  • Anyone know how to make a group? That spouns like a great idea. Had a good day yesterday, breakfast with co-workers in the am. Egg white omlette with mushrooms & coffee, Medifast mac-n-cheese for lunch and salad with Perdue Southwestern short cuts for dinner. Hope you all had a great day as well!
  • Good afternoon all! Glad to have so many supporters. I want to get your opinion on something, should I start a new thread each day or continue on this one? Let me know what you think will work better for you all. My WI was today & am down 1.5lbs. :) Took me a few months to get back into my routine of eating healthy but…
  • Never mind, looks like the threads stay at the top as long as we are active on them. So today is going to be another great day! Got another good night sleep. reconnected with an old friend last week and hope to catch up with him for lunch one day this week! Hope you all have an amazing day!
  • :flowerforyou: Each day I will start a new post titled 15 LB by June 23rd! See you there!
  • Great day today! Ate good and got in all of my water. Rained all day so no walking for me. Will try to get some in tomorrow! Have a great day everyone. See you on the flip side! Day 1 down, 55 more today. No matter your goal for the next 2 months, keep up the good work everyone & if you joined my thread, please add me as a…
  • Very glad to have you all! I am so excited for the support! We can do this. Oatmeal & coffee for breakfast this morning for me!