cmorros Member


  • Congratulations!!! Just getting out there and completing the 5K is a great accomplishment - you do have much of which to be proud. Do you have another one planned? ;)
  • I've been a long distance runner for over 20 years, and about 5 years ago I finally splurged for the "good" shoes. Definitely worth it!!!! Be sure you ARE fitted by a RUNNING professional, not just some salesperson at the sporting goods store. If you have one in your area, go to a running specialty store (for instance Road…
  • If your dog is old and arthritic, you should probably check w/ your vet before taking him/her out. (Mine is still a youngster.) Or, get another dog! There are plenty of great dogs needing new homes! Just kidding ... (sort of.) I also agree w/ everyone that getting out of bed is the biggest obstacle ... I always set out my…
  • As a lifelong runner/jogger, I can only say that running in the dark and cold takes alot of determination!!! Do whatever you can to make it fun and enjoyable ... and/or think of the nice warm shower you'll take after your run as your reward. (No, do not reward yourself with hot chocolate or big warm breakfast!) Seriously,…
  • Glad you're ok ... and thanks for the reminder. You are right - in our "hurry up" world, we usually forget and/or dismiss the big picture. So, I'm letting the dirty dishes go for another hour, and I'm taking the time to take a little walk w/ my dog on this gorgeous Fall day. Thanks again for your reminder and thoughtful…
  • I think most hard alcohol (vodka, gin, scotch, whiskey) are about the same in caloric content ... it's what you mix it with that really makes the difference. If you're drinking hard alcohol, stay away from anything with cream (i.e. no white russian or pina colada), and even limit your fruit juice mixes. Try rum and diet…
  • I don't have an answer ... but will be watching this thread for answers. You've raised some VERY good issues and questions. My girls are 6 and 8, and admittedly we don't eat the best diet. But I'm very active and try to encourage my girls to be active too. My oldest is very active, a decent eater (i.e. she likes fruits and…