Take a pause for the cause!

Do you ever wonder why most of us are always racing against the clock trying to get to that appointment on time or rushing to get through the stoplight? Not only are we in a hurry to get to that “important meeting” but it seems like we are rushing our whole lives, trying to thrust ourselves into a never ending fast-forward mode. Many of us lose patience with ourselves when we miss a goal or go over our calorie count and we vow to work extra hard the next day so we can enjoy a nice dinner or whatever the motivation is at that particular moment..
While it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep up with personal responsibilities such as work for instance, it is equally necessary to slow down and take a pause for the cause. Instead of always focusing on the final goal or destination we need to stop and embrace the very moment we are in, right here, right now. Everything in life is a process and what you choose to do right now is the only thing that matters because for all of us the only moment we are guaranteed in this life is the one we are in right now, this very second!

The reason I was inspired to write this is because lately I have been overly consumed with work, finances, what do with my life and most recently my new obsession has been counting calories and burning off everything I eat and this past Saturday was no exception! I woke up, went to the gym where I spent and hour and half busting my butt when the weather outside was gorgeous (which is not usual for October in Canada) only so I could burn extra calories to have pizza I had been craving and save extra calories so I could later enjoy dinner with my boyfriends family. Well I accomplished that goal. I burned 607 calories and because of that I felt happy and was in a good mood! After returning from the gym and indulging in a piece of pizza I got ready and off we were, heading out of town to be with my boyfriend’s family. My boyfriend was driving and since everyone was in such a hurry, speeding, then slamming on the breaks, he was forced to stop because the car ahead had stopped and unfortunately within moments we were hit from behind and were part of a three vehicle highway accident. Fortunately other than some sore necks, everyone walked away and eventually we made it to our dinner. It was at that moment, when I felt the impact and realized we were ok I suddenly became aware that life really is too short and within seconds it could all be over. Many of us, including me, focus on stuff that doesn’t require the amount of attention we give it. You know what does matter? Realizing each morning you open your eyes and have the ability to choose your day and outlook is a success and a blessing!

So to my current fitnesspal friends and to future ones I hope to make, my message is this: Take a pause for the cause! Tell your partner, kids, family, whoever that you love them, see the world through the eyes of a child and most of all, embrace each moment you are in because just like we take one breath at a time, we really are only guaranteed to live one moment at a time so lets make this moment count!

Live, love and laugh. (And have that piece of cake too if you really want it!):happy:


  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Thanks! Great post!
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    I had one of those moments too.... I was confused and didn't understand what was happening leading to a short temper and poor behavoir towards the people that were trying to help me. A doctor finally looked at me and said... "In your condition, you have about 15 minutes to live, let me help you." Pretty wild stuff. Since then, life has been good for me. I don't sweat the small stuff and really enjoy the time I have.

    I'm glad you guys are OK! Be careful out there!
  • cmorros
    cmorros Posts: 7 Member
    Glad you're ok ... and thanks for the reminder. You are right - in our "hurry up" world, we usually forget and/or dismiss the big picture. So, I'm letting the dirty dishes go for another hour, and I'm taking the time to take a little walk w/ my dog on this gorgeous Fall day. Thanks again for your reminder and thoughtful (and well written) post.