

  • Awesome! Thank you everyone for posting and giving me tips! :drinker: I think my next step is to check my stride and get the appropriate shoe (in the prettiest shade of pink I can find.)
  • Its amazing how much of a difference 20lbs makes! Thank you for your photos, I'm in a similar weight range and I've gotta say I'm so much more motivated now!
  • Hi MissFit and Gilliamzoo, I'm planning on running the OC Marathon and it will be my 1st as well. I'm so excited I joined this group!
  • Hi there! I've been a licensed massage therapist for 6 years and I've seen my share of tight IT Bands. Assuming you take great care stretching your quadriceps and hamstrings, often times this symptom is a result of weak hip and glute muscles. The gluteus maximus and gluteus medius are the two large muscles in the buttocks…
  • Apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon (tastes like a dessert), Wasa Rye light crackers and tuna fish (crunchy & filling)