

  • If I were to live like I were dying, I'd sure as hell be shot of this website and buried face first into a double pepperoni and cheese pizza. Followed by chocolate fudge cake... T.
  • I plateau'd right from the start- it took 4 weeks before I saw anything and that was with 1200 cals a day and 4-5 varied workouts a week including swimming and weight training. I had a word with one of the trainers in the gym and he realised right away what I needed- high-intensity interval training- bike, rowing and…
  • I hear you... I'm also uncertain about this. I've been very good at sticking to the 1200 most days (little splurge at the weekend once I've had a savage gym workout!) and would workout 4 or 5 days as well, but I'm not seeing a whole lot in terms of loss on the scales. I definitely feel better and think I'm looking a little…
  • Yeah, I see the donuts regularly as well :( I've also seen what looks like McDonald's hamburger and fries as well! Not nice! Right, off to the gym now! T. x
  • Hi and welcome! Sounds like I'm in the same boat as yourself- about the same to lose and have been eating well and exercising consistently for just over three weeks now, but no real results on the scales. I'm working with a trainer in my local gym who has put me on a new program of sprint interval training in a bid to kick…
  • Some really good tips all- thanks for posting! Change of routine seems to be the key alright, and goes with what the gym guy was saying. Ohmigod, post your recipe for the homemade cream cheese icing up here and drive us all crazy! Ha ha! Yeah, not a massive amount to lose- I'm aiming to lose around 30 pounds, but that may…
  • Oh really! I was wondering why I've been so hungry the last few days- I wasn't eating my gym calories, thinking it was better to stick to the 1200 I was alotted! So even if I eat the gym (as it were!), I'll still lose weight as my metabolism is raised? I've been exercising pretty consistently now for the last two weeks,…
  • Hi and well done! Tomorrow is day 11 for me on this site (three weeks overall!) and like you, I'm loving it! I'm back to the gym as of a couple of weeks ago, and now with the healthy diet and regular eating of good, proper food, I'm feeling like a million dollars! Lots of water too, and have given up cafeine. I have a…