agerman27 Member


  • Excellent work! This is very motivating... thank you for posting
  • It does make sense to look at the positive. It also makes sense to focus on exercise goals too. Every time I do a workout, I write it on these colorful notecards I bought and tape them to my wall. So when I think I'm not getting anywhere I can see all the times I've worked out since I started doing it 1/28/13 and think,…
  • Cristina, Thanks for you response. By nature I am not a patient person and also by nature I tend to strive for perfection. You are right that striving for perfection is not a good thing when it comes to weight loss. I will remind myself that every step forward counts so when I do have that one step back it isn't a big…
  • I found a great c25K app on my phone tonight. I did my treadmill workout and really enjoyed it. I guess there is something about working toward a goal. As for how far I can run right now, not very, hence the program above. I think I may sign up for a 5K the second week of April. That will give me a good 10 weeks. One…
  • Again, thanks all. So how long do you think I should be running before I start signing up for 5Ks?
  • I do have a HRM and I wear it whenever I work out (with the exception of yoga and I don't count those calories burned). I think people really miss the boat if they don't use an HRM. Thanks for the great tips. Do you have your MFP set at 1lb per week? or 2lb per week? I assume 1lb per week is better when starting out as you…
  • Thanks!
  • I have a Polar F60 (I think that's the model). I LOVE IT. You have to wear a strap around your chest but when I workout, I just tuck it between my sportsbra and chest. The battery life is forever and you can easily adjust your settings as you lose weight. My favorite part is on Sunday's when it beeps at you to show you…
  • Well, I only do Sprints right now, so I should be asking you for nutrition advice! The biggest thing I have learned about myself is that even though I never EVER want to eat breakfast I have to when I'm doing tris or training. One of the things I've started doing is making homemade breakfast burritos. I get a package of…
  • Cookds, Excellent. I don't have the swimming background you do but have always loved the water. Swimming is easy for me. Well, breaststroke is but I struggle with finding my rhythm in the free when it comes to how many strokes to breath. I LOVE biking and running and I have always had a love hate relationship. Right now…