pearljam1997 Member


  • While we can't be TTC anymore, very low sperm count and there's no point, we did TTC for a few years. We're currently counting down the days till our IVF cycle starts!!!! And I'm trying to lose a few pounds before then, so not losing weight while TTC but kinda, lol. Just wanted to wish you luck and hope you see two…
  • WAY TO GO!!!! Quitting is a difficult thing to do but once you get through the real ****ty part it starts to rock!! I love being able to tell people I quit 3 months ago!!! I'm also able to run again, which I haven't done in a very long time. Feels so good to hit the pavement again. I'm freaking out here. I've been off the…
  • Hey ask away. Because I was on Champix and it acts like an antidepressant my anxiety was actually lower when I quit but it did start to creep up again after a few weeks. I can safely say that since starting acupuncture my anxiety has gone down again and I also started taking a supplement for it, called Veeva, I highly…
  • Thanks!!! I had lost 16 pounds but then quit smoking and put 12 back on. While it felt bad to weigh that much again I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I feel so much healthier then before. SO glad I kicked that nasty habit to the road!!!! I've also been doing acupuncture to help with the anxiety and my adhd, makes…
  • If they read our posts they'll know they can join in. While I don't hope for more to join us, hate meeting other who have IF but would love to have more people to talk with, lol. Yes it looks like Dec will be it for us. I'm hoping for sooner since I'm so freaking nervous about it but at the same time I could use the weeks…
  • What if anything should I be adjusting? I just set everything up and have been going with it, lol.
  • Hello. While I don't suffer from pcos we do have mfi after a failed reversal. We're currently on the waiting list for ivf w/icsi and should be cycling this december. Infertility sucks so bad!! We do have two boys who are teens already! and are hoping to add just one more. I know you posted this a few weeks ago but I hope…
  • Most posters have covered everything already but I just wanted to chime in about planning meals. I just started back on here again recently and I have a really hard time with meals but someone introduced me to this site and its awesome. The food is amazing and covers what you'll need in a meal. Its also low calorie and…
  • I have this very same problem with most multi vits. I then talked to the person who worked at the natural food store and asked me if it was a one a day, yes it was. She said those tend to be very hard on the stomach, especially those hard tablet vits. So I switched to the Sisu brand multi, which is two capsules daily, and…
  • Thanks for the quick replies!! I had no idea there was a setting for my diary, its open now, lol. Yeah, in regards to the yogurt, yes it is no fat sugar free, which I'm changing asap. My dietician told me to buy it so I did and kinda though it might be to blame. She also suggested I do about 1700 calories a day, which I'm…