clairieb Member


  • It depends on what he had you do. My trainer has me do stuff that is basically circuit training, and since my calories burned usually matches up to that, I list it as circuit training.
  • Long ago, at my largest, kids used to say I looked like the large girl from the Nickelodeon show All That, I think her name was Lori Beth Denberg. It made me sad and embarrassed. Most of the time though, I get Janeane Garofalo and Ellen Page. I'm happy with both of those comparisons, because they're realistic, and I find…
  • "Your post had me laughing so hard, you are hilarious! I too have a fuller face, and it has always driven me CrAaaAzzzyy!!!! Even when I lose weight it seems like the last place for the fat to leave.'s looking better than it has in a while, but I have lost 80 pounds in the last year for heaven sake!!! I am now…
  • I really need to find a way to tan without using a bed. I'm super pale, but have a leftover farmer's tan from last year. I have to wear a strapless bridesmaid dress at my brother's wedding in mid April, and would like to even my skin tone so I don't look so different than all the other bridesmaids. Anyone know of a good…
    in Tanning?? Comment by clairieb March 2012
  • Agreed! Though, I enjoy every bit of the attention I've been getting. My boyfriend encourages me to enjoy it too! It's nice to realize that people notice the changes I've made and find me attractive.
  • I try to get in about 3 45 minute-1 hr sessions of strength training and 2 45 minute-1 hr cardio sessions per week. On Sundays I take a nice long walk with the dogs or ride my bike next to my man who runs with the dogs. I tend to stick to the elliptical on cardio days, but sometimes take a class if I show up at the gym in…
  • I've been a cafe supervisor making Starbucks coffee for almost 8 years now, and the temptations can be very difficult to avoid. I'm certain that my poor choices over the years (daily iced quad venti no whip white chocolate mochas) helped lead to my weight gain. I slowly began to get a smaller size everyday, started getting…
  • Grillin' up a nice big filet........
  • I only have 5 friends on MFP, and I personally know all of them. Unfortunately, only one of them is still active even though I'm pretty sure the others are still working towards their goals. It would be nice to have friends with similar goals and lifestyles on MFP, especially ones who are in my area. I guess Im just too…
  • My brother is getting married on April 14th, and my future sister-in-law asked me to be a bridesmaid. She already chose the dress, which is of course pink, short, and strapless. All the other bridesmaids are tall and slender, so I'm hoping to at least be a healthy size by then, even if I'm still short and kinda chubby. I…
  • Oklahoma.... and the wind is definitely sweeping down the plains tonight.