

  • my boyfriend is australian but not from the coast seafood was a relatively new thing for him ..and though he loves most seafood ..he cant stand eating things with tentacles ..the lil suction cups on octopus freak him out. me? i cant eat aperitif (spelling?) its an italian drink like soda ..delicious im told me it…
  • i'm diabetic so sugar is a high no no for me - If you're going to have something I'd go w/ grapes instead - one serving of about 10 grapes is good ^___^ much better for you.
  • you know I really cant do standing machines - they dont work for me at all - I think that has to do a lot with my endurance :( I'll eventually get to those but instead to build it up that endurance I've been trying yoga for the past year - before yoga I could honestly say I would get winded after a short walk - yoga helped…
  • Lisa& Chris - thanks for the encouragement and thanks for the *Generic tip ...i was wondering what that was about ..that makes a lot more sense ^_^ grats on both your weight loss :p knowning ppl are doing it encouraging all by itself.