toribug Member


  • I just started this on Monday. Doing pretty good but have been eating too much fruit and dairy. I already had it in the fridge and can't afford to just throw it out. I haven't had any soda, breads since then and I have cooked everything all week, no processed food. I am doing Insanity during the day, not at 100% yet…
  • I just got mine from HSN and it was 19.99. I read you can get it at bed, bath, and beyond also. I wanted P90x but I didn't have that much money and I was thrilled to get this. I have done 2 workouts so far and I love it. I go to boot camp 3 days a week and it has some of the same stuff like the 30/30. I hope the nutrition…
  • Just got mine this weekend and so far I love it. It has some of the same things I pay 97.00 a month far at bootcamp.
  • I will have to try some of these, I don't like milk so some of these might work great. I bought the magic bullet but have never used it.
  • I need to try this. I've seen it in books, thanks for the post.
  • Ezekiel bread is costly, 4.99 a loaf and you have to get used to it but once you do, you wont go back. It's in the frozen food section, I get mine at Kroger stores. They also own Kings Foods and several others
  • I know some Biggest Loser people and even though they have it on the show, they are not allowed to eat it. Its bad
    in Subway? Comment by toribug January 2011
  • This would be great. I gained back 10lbs but have since lost 3 of that. I has been a battle over the last 4 months to get back into the frame of mind I need to do this. It's easy to slide back into the old habbits. Fast food is quick and easy. My son is getting married in May so 15lbs would be a great start. 12/23/2010…
  • Thanks everyone, it is hard and people just don't get it. They are like "it's only 10lbs no big deal", but 10 leads to 20 and so on. I just want to get a handle on it before I gain anymore. I have felt so good this summer and I was maintaining but just lost my sight and feel into a slump. It's so easy to be tired at work…
  • bumping to reply later
  • I have gained 7lbs before with TOM. Just weigh in next week and you will feel better.
  • Mine have.:smile:
  • When I get mexican, I order a side of lettuce, and 1 chicken taco. I dump the taco and make a salad, and toss the shell. Its much cheaper than ordering the reg chicken salad.
    in Mexican Food Comment by toribug May 2010
  • I really like Diet Mt. Dew, I was drinking one a day but I knew it was bad for me and I have read so many bad things about diet drinks I just decised to stop. I am not sure about my sodium intake but i watch everything I eat, I never add any salt and I try very hard not to eat any frozen food like health choice, etc. I…
  • I am reading it now and I agree with a lot of things in the book. But changing takes time and MONEY. Since I started my lifestyle change buying food that is healthy cost a lot of money. And, she tells you to clean out your kitchen and THROW it all away. I can't afford that and thank goodness because we are paycheck to…
  • You should be so proud. I haven't made it yet only 5 min but you had a goal and now you have won, congrats!
  • Thanks for all the help. I am having it done for heavy bleeding. I heard it does nothing for cramping(too bad) but I was hoping that I won't have to wake up in the middle of the night with "that yucky feeling" and having to change. Or being at work and having to get to the restroom quickly. I think the hardest part was…
  • I'm in too, need something to kick me in the butt!!
  • You are doing the right thing, he is trying to hold you back. You are working on your health to be a good mom, don't let him get into your head. Childcare will not hurt your son, but your husband keeping your self-esteem down will!
  • Same here, I hate it. I blame hormones and water but sometimes I just overate. :sad: The scale may be moving slow but it is moving. I am only losing about 3-5lbs a month but, that's better than nothing. I have lost more inches than weight. I have went from wearing a 20 to a 14 so hang in there!
  • I'm so glad you guys did this post. I am 5'2 and 178lbs. I am wearing a 16 that is loose and I can now get into the 14's but they are still a little tight :happy: . I have been confused by the scale and it just seems like no matter what I do the thing doesn't move :grumble: . I did just clear out another two stacks of…
  • That is wonderful!!!!!!!!!! How did you do it? I want to run and did the other day. I made it half way around the track at school, but thought my chest would explode. So, I would walk from goal post to goal post, then run. I did a mile like that. My body paid for it the next few days, I hurt all over. Any suggestions
  • congrats to you, I feel your pain. I can't seem to get out of the 180's. I started with a personal trainer this month and I am still going slower than I would like.
  • :drinker: WAY TO GO!!!! I wish I could even run 1 mile, I have bum knees and cannot believe how out of shape I let myself get. You done a great job, be proud of yourself.
  • Congrats on all the weight loss. I hope to get down to 135 and after 3 kids, I too have a belly and excess skin. I would rather be 135 and have it than 212. I tell my 16yr old, "this is what babies do to you", but I also say my belly is my love marks from my kids. Maybe one day I can have a tummy tuck but untill then I…
  • I have a Gazelle and a $800.00 treadmill I bought the Gazelle used for $50.00 and I use it all the time, the treadmill has dust on it. I love the workout of the elliptical but don't want to spend a lot when I can use one at the fitness center. I have bad knees and the Gazelle is smooth and folds up and out of the way when…
  • It's great to hear all you talk about this. I have only lost 11 pounds so far but I already see the tummy getting softer and sinking lower. I already had a breast reduction, now to work on the rest of it, I have so many stretch marks it looks like a road map:laugh: I really can't wait till I lose another 20 lbs and so on.…
  • I eat lunch on my break and then for my 1/2 lunch time I walk a mile everyday. I am trying to get 10,000 steps a day, very hard when you have a sit down job, I only got 8,000 today. I have started taking the stairs every chance I get. I have very bad knees but since I started exercising it gets easier every day. I try to…