lotte24601 Member


  • Have you tried Poor Girl Eats Well ( I find her recipes to be fairly healthy and easily adaptable for picky eaters. Plus, they're yummy, which is always a huge win in my book.
  • A "cheat day" (and boy to I hate that term. It's got such a "shame on me for doing something wrong" vibe to it, when, really, I'm making a choice that for me, personally, makes the lifestyle change work) for me is a day where I don't log anything. I may or may not go over my daily calories. I may or may not eat…
  • Yoga. The stretching makes everything else go so much better.
  • I don't think there's a hard and fast rule on that one. C25k-ly speaking, I define a week as the amount of time it takes me to get through the three workouts. Since I have a couple other non-running workouts (my attention span is short, and variety is important for me), a C25k week can last 8 or 9 days. On the other hand,…
  • Weezer - Keep Fishin'. The Muppets are never the wrong answer.
  • Made them today; they are The Yum! And if you ever get tired of plain chocolate (as if), try subbing a fruit infused olive oil (I used lemon) for the vegetable oil or throwing in a little cinnamon with the frosting. Gotta love a treat that won't submarine your day if you "accidentally" eat the whole batch.
  • As someone mentioned above, if you're in CA, they have the nutritional info available there at the table (at the one near me it's in its own little booklet next to the condiments). My BJs also has an "enlightened" (don't blame me, I don't name these things) section of the menu, with options 600 calories and under, some of…
  • I have the Brooks Addiction 10 They're wider than anything else I tried on, so the edge of the arch doesn't rub the bottom of my foot and give me blisters (which I hate), and the support is wonderful. I don't love the crazy girly color scheme (the little vine/flower thing on the silver lines makes me cranky), but a little…
  • Thank you guys so much for the excellent advice. I ended up repeating week one, adding a quick stretching session between the 5 minute warmup and the run, and icing as soon as I get home instead of waiting till it starts to hurt. It's made all the difference. Y'all rock.
  • I play goalie, so it's a little different for me, but I generally credit myself with 2/3 of the game (30 minutes for three, 15 minute periods, 40 for three, 20 minute periods). Pick-up is a little tougher, since there aren't the built in breaks and they generally run much faster, so I give myself 3/4 of those. Not the most…
  • Myself. Been leaving myself on the couch for the last 10-15 years. On the upside, at least I never have to wonder why I'm fat.
  • Una Mas Steak Nachos. Not that I ever thought they were healthy, but they were my not-as-bad-as-it-could-be hockey watching treat. 1545 calories (and 94 grams of fat)? Turns out they were, actually, as bad as they could be. I'm not gonna pretend I haven't touched 'em since, but now I take a friend (or three) with me and we…
  • In easy-to-find world, a pinch of cayenne pepper heats up just about anything. I, personally, put curry in everything: eggs, salad, potatoes, a pinch in whatever cooking liquid I'm using . . . I have a few different curry powders (sweet, hot, saffron heavy, etc) to help keep things interesting. Besides that, I'd suggest…