jlm0710 Member


  • Another horribly busy week and went almost a week in between runs. I finally got to go today. It felt great! I ran a different path today and it really helped. The trail I was doing before, I think I kind of outgrown. It is about .75 miles around and running around the trail 4 times gets to be a little much. This new trail…
    in C25K Comment by jlm0710 June 2014
  • LaraeTX that is what happened with me last week. I went 6 days in between my runs. I was glad to finally go on Saturday! I had the opportunity to go again last night so I did. Who knows what the rest of the week will be like. Next run W8D2!
    in C25K Comment by jlm0710 June 2014
  • W7D1 completed this morning in the rain. Can't believe how far we have come!
    in C25K Comment by jlm0710 May 2014
  • Where did everyone go? I find it strange that this board started with such enthusiasm and has now almost died. Oh well. I am still working on my goals and am happy with what I have accomplished over the past weeks. Week 4 goals: Nutrition: continue to log my food and stay within my calorie goals. Wellness: make it to the…
  • Yesterday I completed W6D2. That was my last one with any walking intervals. I am almost glad though, because I felt like the 3 min walk between the 10 min runs was more annoying than helpful. Let's finish this program!!!! I am feeling very confident about this! Yay!
    in C25K Comment by jlm0710 May 2014
  • I just completed W5D3. It felt good. Once I got into my rhythm it seemed to go fine. I knew I could run more so I ran the whole 5 min cool down and then did a 6 min cool down. I feel very accomplished and excited to continue on with the program! Congratulations to all of you, too. Yay to all of us for our perseverance and…
    in C25K Comment by jlm0710 May 2014
  • I just finished W5D2. It felt Ok. Not as good as I do with morning runs, but that is alright. I completed it. Wednesday will be my 20 min run. I am feeling confident. On W5D1 I ran for 13 min straight and it felt good. It started to rain pretty heavy that day during my run so I didn't walk in between my runs.
    in C25K Comment by jlm0710 May 2014
  • I didn't post last week either. The first week I did very well with sticking to my goals. Last week I stuck with the C25K routine, but I didn't track my food. Which would probably be the reason for my very slow weight loss. Week 3 goals: Fitness goals: C25K 3 days with 2 other days of some sort of exercise Nutritional…
  • Exercise goal: Continue with week 3 of C25K program! Nutritional goal: Log all my food in my food diary and stay under goal. Wellness goal: Walk at beach at least once this week. Reward: If I can do this I will put some money aside to buy new clothes for my trip at the end of June!
  • This group is perfect for me. I am going to Germany at the end of June to see my sister and her family. I really want to lose the weight that I have put on. I want to go and have a great time and be able to look back at my pictures and think what a great time I had instead of just thinking how fat I look. My son just had…
  • Just finished W2D3! I am getting a little nervous when I look at the weeks ahead, but I am determined to continue with this program:)
    in C25K Comment by jlm0710 April 2014