

  • thanks! I'm not sure why my gym doesn't have calipers. (just the scales that lie every time!). It probably has something to do with living in Canada and being in a rural area. I'll check with my doctor next time to see what they have.
  • Definitely! I have already started doing this as I am a reformed cardio queen (I love running, but my SI joint can't take it 5 days a week anymore), so even now with my cardio sessions, I try to incorporate cardio that uses strength too (kickboxing, bootcamp, etc.). I also switch up my lifting so that for a few weeks, I'll…
  • I definitely don't want to take pills. I do take a multivitamin, siberian ginsing, and a tsp of hemp oil a day, but other than protein powder, I'm not into doing detox, pills, or anything like that. I'll look into cutting phase though and see what they say about nutrition, etc.
  • I have no idea - I have done it on the scales at the gym that read body fat %, but one day it says 30% and the next day it will say 24%, so I really have no idea. I know it's probably not as high as 30%, but it may not be 24% either. I would love to get to a point where I'm 18-22%. What is the best way to get measured for…
  • I have tried to increase my cardio while doing weights by doing calisthenics in between sets (mountain climbers, jumping jacks, skip rope, etc) to make my strength trg sessions into cardio sessions as well. Do you have any recommendations on how to cut my sugar? I try to not eat refined sugars, and I am watching my fruit…
  • I am currently trying to eat clean, and I have the book, but I do a modified approach to it as my husband doesn't follow a clean eating lifestyle and doesn't want to eat "quinoa and broccolli everynight" ha ha. Basically I try to eat as many clean foods as possible, and anything that is packaged that I eat, I try to get…
  • thanks for the replies everyone! My current gym schedule is weight lifting 4 times a week, a bootcamp class once a week, I kickbox once a week, spin once a week, run once or twice a week, and try to manage something on the weekend (even if it's just an hour long walk). My problem isn't my fitness routine, I definitely…
  • I'm definitely in for this... I am one of those who cannot just have one, I eat clean most of the time, but the minute my husband sits down with sweets, I tell myself "oh, just one, I work so hard at the gym"... one turns into several and then I wake up with a sugar hangover. Today is one of those days, my head is heavy,…
  • I just had my blood pressue checked and it was the same as you - 100/60... my doctor told me that because I run and train 6 days a week, that it is low at rest, but means that I'm probably working out at my maximum heart rate (thus burning more calories)... I don't have a heart monitor either, so for now I've just been…
  • I log both Plyro and Intervals as Aerobics High Impact because I don't have a heart monitor and I figure it is the best way to log it... I log the KenPo as judo/karate/kickboxing...
  • I had started a post asking about the sugar in fruit as well: I am over my sugar everday because I eat 2 - 3 pieces of fruit every day... then when you factor a few grams of sugar that is in other food (vegetables, cereal, etc.) it all adds up…
  • thanks guys... I just check out the link outlining the low sugar fruit to high sugar fruit... of course all of the fruit I eat are the high sugar ones! I think I'll try either replacing my fruit for lower sugar ones or cut a piece out as suggested. Does anybody know a reasonable sugar daily sugar intake based on people who…
  • I'm having the same problem - I don't have heat like you, but we've had 2 weeks of extreme humidity for my area and it has made it so much harder to exercise... so I've taken it outside (some days just walking or biking instead of running because it is so humid)... I recently bought a cheap air conditioner and installed it…
  • baby carrots and "eat clean" guacomole... (avocado, garlic, red onion, diced tomato and tiny bit of fat free mayo)
  • I'm new to the site... I love the info I'm getting from the posts though. I'm now benching 3 sets 12 reps and have 35kg on the bar... can finally do 4 sets of 15 pushups. Just last year I couldn't do a pushup, I had to do them on my knees. My next goal is chin up / pull up... any suggestions to help with that? I'm doing…