

  • i use both eliptical and da treadmil...but try walking up 10% inlcine on 3.0 to 3.5 me u will burn off those calories QUICK...but i love using the eliptical IF it has long strides...da ones with short strides really burns the muscles on ur legs...
  • i used to work at SUBWAY back when i was in highschool (6 years ago) and i know we had a guideline to follow... SIX tomato slices for a foot long and THREE for a 6 inch but i don't remember charging extra if a customer wanted extra veggies...we charged dem more if dey wanted extra meat or yeah, maybe dey…
  • so i've been working out for a week now and when i started i told my self i won't do my next weigh in til i hit a month...but den seeing dat damn weighing scale in my bathroom didn't i weighed my self yesterday and i lost 6 lbs...YAY...atleast my hard work from last week paid off...
  • wow..good thing u posted this up today...i was actually planning on ordering those...thank u so much...and i hope u got everything settled...
  • yay great great job...keep it up...:drinker:
  • hahahaha..dats funny:laugh: ...dats actually our goal, 3 kids...awww thanku...ur too sweet...and yes i kind of need to get my old weight back to look "hot" again cause my husband is one of those gym addicts and he is like in good shape and i feel like everyone just stares at us everywhere we go and seems like der saying…
  • wow 87lbs?...dats great...great job...:drinker:
  • DAMN pregnancy weight...i feel you sucks...
  • oh yes...ZUMBA is really great specially if u love love love to dance...they actually dont have it here in Italy so dat's why i ordered da dvd from was like three weeks ago though and i still havent gotten it...i'm actually going to call dem today...but yeah ZUMBA is great...
  • yay...u go girl....:drinker:
  • ur like my favorite lady...u lost sooo much...and u did or do ZUMBA?...i love ZUMBA...i used to do it back when we were still in San Diego...hopefully i get qualified and get to teach it here at our gym in Sicily...
  • hey thanks for da flowers...hehehe...
  • ur like my favorite lady...u lost sooo much...and u did or do ZUMBA?...i love ZUMBA...i used to do it back when we were still in San Diego...hopefully i get qualified and get to teach it here at our gym in Sicily...
  • thanks for ur support
  • dang u already lost 5 lbs?...dat's great...
  • Thank you...and wow...look how much weight you've lost...CONGRATULATIONS...
  • :happy: Well my daughter is now 16 mnths and da 60lbs dat I gained during pregnancy is still here. Well I lost 5 lbs but dat's it. My husband found me this site and it seem pretty good from reading all the blogs from people who's been a member for a while now. I'm hoping to have success like everybody else. My goal is to…