jcsummers Member


  • Yeah, I never eat back any calories I burn so I keep it under strength :)
  • I will say I accidentally doubled up on the 5x45 while typing, but as for the rest I find that starting light and building up helps me stretch out and work on my form even as I increase my weight. Legs don't bother me much at all aside from some light soreness towards the end of my reset days when I hit the stairs a lot at…
  • Yes in the app. I am asking because aside from keeping up with how much lifting you are doing I can't see a benefit since the app doesn't calculate calories burned for strength training. I was wondering if anyone else saw a benefit to recording it. Sorry, should have been clearer!
  • I second StrongLifts 5x5, it is a great starter program and makes it seem approachable. It also has a great free app to track your progress and videos on form.
  • I started from nothing :p I started with a 45lbs bar except for on the deadlifts and rows which I started at 10lbs.