

  • Thank you for some responses. I will try doing individual ingredients for eating out, which is only my morning breakfast on the way to school, 2x a week. The other is morning brunch on sunday which is usually an egg white omlette. So maybe individual ingredientd will be better.... As for posting at my school for a workout…
  • Hello, my name is Amber and I am 24 from CT. I require some motivation and mutual support from fellow women and men who are working hard and/or going to school. I am trying to lose 30lbs to start and get my BMI into a healthier range by changing my life style as to avoid yo-yo dieting which is linked to cardiovascular…
  • Thank you all for the responses, and the hijacking! I know it's do-able it's just overwhelming. I need to track, I need to figure out how much I'm eating, but tracking all those ingredients seems daunting. And very time consuming. I already don't focus on my classes like I should, then when I track or post on this I feel…