Feeling overwhelmed

So I awam having trouble bringing myself to log food, and when I do I just want to chuck my phone. Tracking calories to me seems like a more daunting task than my future Doctorate program! I try to find things to sort of replace the things I eat. Example, I grab an egg, swiss and tomato sandwhich on wholewheat/grain bread with a tomato pesto instead of mayo. Now, how in god's green eartham I supposed to find something like that? I like accuracy. So I know you can chose to rohnd up but seriously I feel like II'm BSing here. This sends me into a low mood and then I just dont want to track anything. This is why I've cinsidered Isagenix though I HATE those nut cases who seem to have an unhealthy obsession. But it's calorie deficit and people tell me they dont feel as hungry. Which is what I want, to reduce my appetite and try to break my latte obsession. I know people hate Isagenix and I know people love it. I'm not selling it so don't 'talk about the MLM. I really want it as a simplistic way to do things for awhile.

Also, how does anyone find a workout partner? I want to run, but can only at night because I cant make any spin classes. I literally work and go toschool every moment of the day there is a spin class. I am taking sumer chemistry classes and need B+and above for my Doctorate program. So running at night is my best option, however there are apparently random people on the trai and I dont want to be alone at night at 9:30/10...I wish I had a friend to go work out and go to classes....but I don't know how to find a wormout partner. :( and my current friends bail and live far away. I just want a partner in crime with this effort!

How do you people do it? I'm already on my own so shove it about inner personal strength. I think my winter depression is destroying me.

Ugh h do you people do it?


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Most of my exercise is on my own. It works for me - and finding a workout partner that fits my schedule and is similar in fitness level is very daunting.

    As to logging. If its a sandwich I make, I log the ingredients. If its something you do often you can save it as a meal, and add it easily in the future. When using your phone app if you go to add something for lunch, it shows your most recent lunch entries first. It does get easier in time, with a little practice. :)
  • eatspopcorn
    eatspopcorn Posts: 63 Member
    You should log the individual ingredients of your meals. Don't kill yourself trying to find something like a sandwich that someone else built into the system already. It's not going to be accurate. So log the 2 slices of specific bread you used, the Tbsp of condiment you used, etc.

    Regarding a workout partner, I can't be of help there. I workout at home on my own, and twice a week at a zumba class. Is there some kind of community board at your school where you can post a flyer showing you're looking for a late night running partner?
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    The more you log the easier it gets. Log individual ingredients, save as a meal and it's there if you make it again next time.
  • berburrybear
    Thank you for some responses. I will try doing individual ingredients for eating out, which is only my morning breakfast on the way to school, 2x a week. The other is morning brunch on sunday which is usually an egg white omlette. So maybe individual ingredientd will be better....

    As for posting at my school for a workout partner....my school is an hour away unfortunately. So I unfortunately can not do that. I dont want to run alone and honestly can not motivate myself alone to do a good cardio workout. Thats why I loved spin. Unfortunately I can't make it anymore with work/school.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Honestly, if you dedicate yourself for a few months or more, you will learn about what you can eat. In the end of the day, you have to figure out what is most important to you. Second, what do you think isagenix will accomplish? Even if it suppresses your appetite, it will only stay that way for so long before your body adapts. On top of that, it doesn't address the issue at hand.. the ability to figure out what foods you can eat to maximize your goals. If you want to decrease hunger, then you should concentrate on getting many or most of your calories from protein and fats.

    In terms of workout, it's possible you can workout at home or find an online buddy. I personally workout at home and find it more relaxing and more efficient than when I went to the gym. Do you have any friends that live close that you could ask to join you?

    Also, on a side note, I would suggest some resistance training when you start exercise as well.
  • mskraemerspeech
    mskraemerspeech Posts: 32 Member
    Try YouTube for some workouts you can do at home! There's a ton. I've been doing Jillian michaels for a bit now. Good luck with the journey :)