178lbs Member


  • Hi - I'm in a similar position. 4 years out. Highest weight 317, lowest 181lbs. Started to regain - line in the sand was 200lbs. Managed to take 10lbs off this last year. Hoping for more this year. Take care Phil
  • Hi Rose. I have sent you a friend request. :)
  • I have either protein powder, oats and egg white mixed - I call it Rocky Road - it's really nice - Or...l protein powder mixed into greek yogurt ( which is high protein in itself). - I often put a tablespoon of natural peanut butter into either of these. - I find that if I have just a shake, I'm hungry very shortyl…
  • I incorporate quite a bit of protein powder into my diet - but I mix it with greek yogurt to make a kind of chocolate dessert - very nice and high protein. I also mix it with oats and egg white to create a type of protein bar - I add a bit of peanut butter - again , very nice. These two are my stock breakfasts :)
  • I can relate to that :)). There is also a further wait whilst they eat their dessert!
  • I am just reading 'When you eat at the refrigerator, pull up a chair' by Geneen Roth. She explains very powerfully how your self worth comes from within - if you can get hold of a copy that might help your situation :))
    in No Support Comment by 178lbs August 2014
  • Hi I'm Phil, 46years old , based in the UK. Had gastric bypass nearly three years ago, dropped from 320 lbs to approx 200lbs. Need to stop the weight creeping back on and lose the bit more that I need to. Hoping to gain motivation and accountability from the social aspect of this site as I have not done that aspect before.…
  • A couple of people have mentioned using journals - do you do that on here via 'My Blog' - sorry if that's a dumb question. The first thing I'm changing is to consciously think about the calories I take in and the quality of the food I put in my body.
  • Hi Chris, Nice to 'meet' you. I'm from the United Kingdom. It sounds like you have made a great start with the exercise. 1200 calories sounds low, but at the end of the day I think you should be governed by how you feel ie, energy levels etc. I am currently gearing myself up whilst on vacation , ready to hit the gym and…
  • I am grateful for the other posts on here that have made me realise that whilst it is important that I restart a goals centred approach to improving my health and fitness, there are many other things in life that need to be celebrated :)
  • Hi - I drank quite a bit before WLS, but found that my relationship after surgery changed - I was becoming much more reliant on alcohol. I tried to reduce the amount I drank several times without success. I also drank at weekends, but found myself thinking about the weekends too much, yearning for the Friday night binge.…
    in alchol Comment by 178lbs August 2014
  • Hi Adam I'm Phil I also had the bypass - October 2011. At heaviest, i was 314 lbs. i now weigh about 205lbs. Generally, I feel much better, although my relationship with food is still a problem. My eating habits have slipped quite a bit just lately and weight has started to creep back on - that is why I am back on here,…