carcona Member


  • I am sorry, I disagree. Jerks can be very funny and even endearing, jerks can also be not funny and just plain mean, this depends on your point of view, sensitivity level, warped mind etc... but as stated earlier if you don't like it move on! Noone if forcing anyone to be here (and being sarcastic can be fun and great:)…
  • I don't post gains, but I also don't post a loss unless it is really a loss (at least a week old). I know this may seem strange, but this weight loss thing has to go one direction for me, down. It may take longer but in my opinion slow and steady wins the race:)
  • I hear you it is hard to be sensible when alot of others are able to handle doing the shred everyday, (which I don't think is wise and Jillian even recommends 5-6 days a week). That said, don't abandon this type of exercise all together. There are ways to challenge yourself w/out doing the shred. Like how many push-ups can…
  • Wow, I am lagging a bit, but sticking with it. Level 2 Day 4 for me and I am working out in the morning again which feels so much better for me to get it out of the way. tommorrow is half way mark for me:) OH YEAH, AND I FINALLY HAD A DROP IN THE NUMBER ON THE SCALE!!!! THAT FELT GOOD.
  • Just finished Day 17 (Level 2 day 3, yes I took a day here and there). Also thinking of doing 6 week/6 pack b/c it will take me thru the holiday season and then tackle ripped in 30 starting Jan 1. I am in this for the long haul and need a plan. btw I am also trying to get more cardio in during the week mostly a mix of…
  • level 2 day 3 done Day/ 13 overall.
  • I have the book and never actually did it. Does anyone try to exercise on this diet?
  • Ok I am on day 2 of level 2 ive missed a couple days but feel like I am back in the groove. Somehow I like level 2:)
  • Did last day of level 1 today. Took yesterday off I was so sore from working out with trainer(and doing shred) I couldn't even raise my arms but made sure to do it today - I think one day off a week is ok if needed:)
    in L1D10 Comment by carcona October 2012
  • did the shred today after working out with a trainer this morning, thought my arms were going to fall off before I even started, but glad I did it. tomorrow last day of level 1, I am ready for the change!
  • Did it this morning, felt good, tired now:)
  • day 4 done, doing workout later in the day than I want, need to do first thing.
  • Was a little sore from day 1&2 and couldn't work out first thing, but I did it!
  • I'm done too!! the push-ups are my least favorite but at least they are out of the way early! Getting up early is killing me but (and it is not that early compared to some of you) I know I won't do it if I wait. Have a great day!
  • Hi I'm Catherine, made it thru 15 days of the shred last spring and then had some foot pain and used it as an excuse to stop. Ready to start over with my sister Tilly who will join this group as soon as I tell her about it b/c we were planning on starting oct 1 anyway. Here's my weight story...reached all time high last…