zeedubz Member


  • I'm due November 18th (21 weeks along)! I'm using this app to monitor my nutrients and make sure I get enough protein each day. I've always struggled with protein... I've always been athletic (still am) and I'm bewildered by how much my body has changed already. Trying to stay positive and focus on being healthy!!!
  • I've used this app for years and now I'm using it to keep track of macros and nutrients. I'm 21 weeks. It definitely helps me keep an eye on my protein goal, which has always been hard for me to complete. I'm also diligent about recording exercise and syncing to my pedometer. Amazing how fast I'm gaining even with all the…
  • I am 5 months pregnant and I'm using MFP to monitor my calories, weight gain, exercise and macros. :# I enter a goal weight of 0.5 lb gain per week, even though I don't need to TRY to gain weight, I just don't want the app to suggest too few of calories for each day. I also have it synced to my pedometer (in my phone) so I…