Pregnant and tracking for nutrition

Anyone else out there use the app for tracking during a pregnancy? Obviously I'm not trying to lose weight, even though I'm starting my pregnancy as obese. But I don't want the weight gain to be out of control. So I'm trying to gain smart. Does anyone have any guidelines for nutrition goals while pregnant? Is there any way in the app to account for pregnancy?


  • zeedubz
    zeedubz Posts: 3 Member
    I am 5 months pregnant and I'm using MFP to monitor my calories, weight gain, exercise and macros. :# I enter a goal weight of 0.5 lb gain per week, even though I don't need to TRY to gain weight, I just don't want the app to suggest too few of calories for each day.

    I also have it synced to my pedometer (in my phone) so I can make sure to hit my goal of 10k steps per day, esp if I don't work out.

    As far as diet goes you should try to hit the protein goal every day, if not go higher. I think that's the most important part! I also like to keep an eye on sodium because I tend to bloat and this app helps me realize which foods contribute to that.

    Right now I am sipping lemon water because I feel like a giant water balloon...
  • djlebreton
    djlebreton Posts: 50 Member
    I am 24 weeks pregnant and have been using MFP for 3 years before getting pregnant and during this pregnancy. It's definitely helped me be accountable for my eating and not over eating just because I'm pregnant. Don't get me wrong it's still challenging and some days I don't feel in complete control of my appetite (Baby has a mind of his own when he's hungry lol) but overall I'm happy :smiley:

    You can set your gain to 0.5 lbs per week starting in the second trimester and 1 lb per week gain in the third trimester. Seems to be the best way to do it.

    How far along are you?
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I am not tracking my food like I was when I wasn't pregnant, but I am being mindfully aware of what I am eating and the amounts. I am currently 22 weeks pregnant myself.
  • runmelindarun
    runmelindarun Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 14 weeks pregnant and finally back to a point where I can eat normal food and exercise regularly. The nausea this time around was horrific along with the fatigue! I've set mine to having .5/week. I never hit my goal though and have lost a couple lbs in the last few weeks. I'mgoing to ask my dr about it on Monday at my appointment.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I used MFP while in my 3rd trimester last time. I was mostly counting carbs/protei for gestational diabetes but I found it really helped me. I also didn't gain at all (actually lost 8 lbs) once I started tracking, for a decent total gain of 30 lbs for the pregnancy.