lizj1 Member


  • Hi Mum23, I can relate - I was doing so well at the start of the year, but now I have an excuse for every day of the week! I really want to lose another stone before my big birthday trip to Rome in September. You have done so well already, you can do that again. Feel free to add me.
    in any brits??? Comment by lizj1 May 2012
  • ... but there is afternoon tea, and then there is high tea, a very different thing! Maybe it's regional - here in Glasgow / West Coast my friend might still say "let's have tea out" meaning go out for an evening meal. It definitely has connotations of earlier and less posh than dinner though. And it's probably less used…
  • Oh, there's nothing to touch a Macintosh red.... but I can hardly ever find them in the UK anymore - we used to get them every Autumn when I was a child. I try and try, but I just don't really like any other apples. So, Macintosh lovers - what's the closest substitute you've ever tasted? I tried some Honeycrunch, and they…
  • Hi Jacque, maybe cooking shows on TV or on YouTube could help you learn to cook? Remember, you can adapt any recipe to feed one just by dividing all the ingredient measurements by the number of servings. Alternatively, if you find recipes for two, you can cook them up and freeze half, or save half for lunch the next day. A…
  • Hi Magic, you have made the first step - you can definitely do this! I have found that making sure I walk enough has more effect on my weightloss than cutting all the treats out - you will find the key for you, too! Feel free to add me if you want friends.
  • I'm looking at the food plan on the fitbit dashboard, and at the summary on my MFP home page
    in FitBit Comment by lizj1 March 2012
  • "The fitbit is telling me to eat a lot more than MFP but they are synching perfectly otherwise." Hi Lisa, do they both give you the same total calories at the start of the day? Both MFP and FitBit give me 1500 cal target if look first thing in the morning, but as I walk about during the day, they both increase my total,…
    in FitBit Comment by lizj1 March 2012
  • You could make a pot of healthy soup, and take some in a flask every day - that and two pieces of fruit, a yogurt and maybe a cereal bar keeps me going at work all day.
  • Hi, 3lbs per month is well withing the recommended most healthy weightloss range of 0.5 to 1 lb per week, so I think you are doing really well to keep that up consistently since July - well done!
  • Can you keep a bowl of fruit in your room to snack on in the evenings? What about cereal bars?
  • Hi, I'm in Scotland, I've been here about a month. I could do with some diet buddies, but I don't know how to add people - should I search on facebook?