

  • 80 min ride on the mountain bike, got so muddy i had to stop and peel huge chucks of mud off the wheels as it was so bad the wheels stopped turning :D checked when i got home it took 11min for a mile on a bike to do the muddy part hah :D
  • i genrally dont have time to exercise during my nightshifts periods as its generally sleep, eat work repeat, when i have finished my last night i make a point of getting to bed as soon as possible setting my alarm earlier than normal probably 4-5 hours sleep, get up feel terrible ;) then get out the house within the next…
  • hey jeff, take your fitness progress as a big positive, the brisk walk you did previously is now much easier for you to achieve, and the fact you have overall lost weight since you have begun means in simple terms you are carrying less of your own resistance around!. Its not a scientific approach but if you fill up a…
  • got to agree , you are going to have to jump on the bike at some point, 80 miles isnt a cake walk, you can mix it up on a bike with intervals too and certainly doing that will benefit you as much as pure endurance rides http://www.bikeradar.com/fitness/article/training-ride-hard-after-work-29934 this article will give you…
  • 10-12mph is about my average speed on a mountain bike (fat tyres) for a 90 minute ride, a road bike would be considerably faster though not sure how the 2 compare to an indoor bike though,
  • if you have time to read this article its well worth it, ignore the bulging muscle pictures :), its a great article to get a good idea of what you should be doing. http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/the_hierarchy_of_fat_loss
  • add some hills into the route and that should definitely get you breaking a sweat, the great thing about proper cycling today is there are so many gps tracking apps that you can run on your mobile that give you a very good breakdown of what you have done in terms of speed, altitude, calories burnt etc, not sure if its…