Exercise while working nights

Having posted up about what to eat on nights im now going to post up how I struggle on nights to exercise.

Im a full time nurse working 3/4 nights per week. I am constantly on my feet wandering up and down. You would think the pounds would drop off but alas they havent!

It generaly takes 2 days to recover from nights, when i finish my last night say on the thursday, im back in the land of the living (ish) by saturday as friday I sleep and im no good to anyone!

Myself & my partner + dog go walking every 2/3 weeks and do a full days walk clocking up from 8-12 miles (but thats only if im not working weekends).

Do any night workers has an exercise routine they do? Im very honest in saying on my days off the last thing I want to be doing is be in a gym!

Any suggestions or advice is welcome :smile:


  • theoneandonlybrookie
    I have no advice except to say that when I was working two jobs in the fall, I had a very hard time getting more than 3 workouts a week in. I was cocktail waitressing at night until 2 AM and then getting up and going to work the next day. I know what you mean about needing a couple days to recover.

    I found that I actually lost quite a bit of weight doing that - I weigh more now than I did then - because of the walking. But I ended up quitting that job, mostly because it ruined my workout routine and health.

    I feel for you. It sounds like you're already getting some great walks in. Maybe you could do some free weights at work on your break? I don't know if you have a private place to go. Other than that, I would say if you want to get more workouts in you might just have to go on your days off, as unappealing as that might sound.

    Best of luck!
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    Cattawall I have been an avid exerciser for years! I worked days and walked for an hour before work, ran on my lunch break and went to dance aerobics in the evening. 3 months ago I quit my job and went to work nights at our local Hospital. I work 12 1/2 hours 2 to 3 nights a week. Sounds easy right???? It has got me sooo screwed up! I've gained about 8 lbs so far, I hardly ever exercise. I know it is in my capabilities to figure something out but I'm having a time of it. I found it interesting that you said it takes you two days to recover. I feel the same but thought it was just me! I'm thinking of getting a large calender where I can visually map out my time until I can find a routine. It's so hard to find a routine when your sleep is all over the place!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    A good friend of mine works shifts and is an Ironman triathlete! OK, her example is a bit extreme but it shows anything is possible. On her night weeks she gets her workouts in before work and when she shifts back to days she'll often do one before and one after. It's very, very tough feeling human enough when you're feeling jet-lagged because your body clock's adjusting, but getting up and exercising even when you don't feel like it actually helps you adjust quicker.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i work nights, and day. i'll do 3-4 night shifts, have 2-3 days off, and then have to do 3-4 day shifts. it used to take me 2-3 days to recover too, but then i started to work out. i find that on that last night shift, if i throw on my work out clothes, and go for a run, or to lift, or some kind of circuit, it really helps reset my internal clock. i drink a little coffee on my way home, eat something light, depending on how my stomach feels, and work out. then i power through the day usually i'm passed out by 7pm, and wake up the next morning at about 90%. yeah, still need to recover a little, but at least i'm back on a normal schedule quicker.
  • carterjerm
    Working nights is tough. For me going home and getting your sleep then going to workout before work has worked for me.
    Good luck.
  • ashiyo
    ashiyo Posts: 23
    Switching to third shifts can be terrible! Very hard on your system, I just started working at a donut shop (oh dear, I promise I try reaaaaaaaaaaally hard not to eat any!!!)... so I work from 11pm-ish to whenever we are done. I started getting up hours before work, around 5 in the afternoon.. guaranteeing myself a good breakfast and time to work out. I currently use a wii game by the name of "my fitness coach". It's like a video, in a sense that it just shows you what to do for a set (your choice) amount of time, but there are different work out types, times and it is chosen at random.. I enjoy it a lot because I am self conscious about other people watching me!

    I don't know if that helps much. ): I don't work nearly as many hours, nor do I have to switch back and forth. Just remember that sleep is just as important!
  • kelliekaz
    kelliekaz Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I am also a nurse who works mainly night so i understand totally how you feel. Its so hard to get motivated to exercise but i found that instead of doing an hours walk everyday, i try to exercise 3- 4 times a week but go hard for as long as I can in those sessions. Eating the snacks on night shift is hard too, everyone always brings in chips and lollies, so i always make sure i have healthy snacks for me. Good luck! :-)
  • riders999
    i genrally dont have time to exercise during my nightshifts periods as its generally sleep, eat work repeat, when i have finished my last night i make a point of getting to bed as soon as possible setting my alarm earlier than normal probably 4-5 hours sleep, get up feel terrible ;) then get out the house within the next hour and ride, instantly wakes you up, you feel great after it and it also seems to help me return to a normal sleep pattern, because im tired :)

    As you said the friday is a feel terrible day, but forcing myself out the house really seems to kick me back into life, and get a normalish sleep pattern back quicker.

    I also try and get a session in before the first block of shifts, in the afternoon.

    The bonus of shifts is you have rest days in between so make the most of those too :)
  • Cattawall
    Cattawall Posts: 12 Member
    I had a faze where I trained for a charity bike ride when I first started my nights... I would go swimming for half an hour after every night shift & I did enjoy it..
    The once the charity event was finished.. The swimming stopped..

    Perhaps doing that 3/4 times a week would be enough with my marathon walk thrown in every 2/3 weeks..
    Im also encouraging myself to get onto my WII...

    Its just lately (And i dont know if that has anything to do with the weather) when I wake up its dark & cold and I just curl up with the cats and a book before work!
    *as I know my night will be stressful!
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    Well this has been a good topic for me to read also since I'm on the same boat........and basically, what I'm taking away from this is I would feel a lot better if i would just suck it up and go exercise whether I "feel" like it or not! Thanks for all the posts you night workers!
  • ashiyo
    ashiyo Posts: 23
    I had a faze where I trained for a charity bike ride when I first started my nights... I would go swimming for half an hour after every night shift & I did enjoy it..
    The once the charity event was finished.. The swimming stopped..

    Perhaps doing that 3/4 times a week would be enough with my marathon walk thrown in every 2/3 weeks..
    Im also encouraging myself to get onto my WII...

    Its just lately (And i dont know if that has anything to do with the weather) when I wake up its dark & cold and I just curl up with the cats and a book before work!
    *as I know my night will be stressful!

    The hardest part of my day is getting out of bed when it's dark and cold! My room is pitch black.... and my body just wants me to sleep, sometimes I turn some music on via my cellphone (that I use as my alarm) so it will encourage me to get moving... dancing around as I get up definitely helps get my body and brain awake!

    But I find I am a lot happier and have a lot more energy than when I first started nights because of exercising, otherwise I am constantly sleeeeeepy~!
  • Cattawall
    Cattawall Posts: 12 Member
    Well this has been a good topic for me to read also since I'm on the same boat........and basically, what I'm taking away from this is I would feel a lot better if i would just suck it up and go exercise whether I "feel" like it or not! Thanks for all the posts you night workers!

    LOL its exactly that... And its just exactly that I suffer with because I sometimes cannot just suck it up!

    I have made this week my tea for the next 3 nights & I have cooked low fat noodles... So I have no excuse to go & grab a sandwich or make toast!
    I shall take water in as I do think the fizzy drinks havent helped with the weight! And ill take some banannas & jelly pots in.. I find a jelly pot very refreshing @ night!