

  • do you have an xbox or a wii? both of those systems have fitness games that you can buy. early on, i use to play track and field and fruit ninja on xbox 360 often to burn calories before i started running. i get what you are saying about being slippery...i will typically run outside despite the temperature as long as it's…
  • I actually started like the second week of January. New Years resolutions suck. They are pointless and never i purposely got crapface wasted the first 2 days in january and ate like crap for a week. Then i started on here and have been doing fairly well at least with counting calories...i have a bad day every…
  • I'm friends on here with my sister and one complete stranger that I check in with every once and awhile. My sister's finishing up basic it will be nice after nearly 7 weeks to have her on here again for motivation.
  • if i understand what you are are only going to eat your allotted calories for the day? so if you run for an hour and burn 600 calories, you aren't going to take that as bonus food that you can eat? just curious.
  • like most others does have to be all about you. it's the same thing with trying to get someone away from other addictions like smoking, drinking, etc...the more you try to force them away from it, the more they are going to rebel and keep doing it. you need to lose the weight for you and you only. continue to…