Home exercise help

Hi everyone,

I have wanted to start working out again for week! To make a long story short, I do not currently have access to a gym and it is much too cold and slippery outside to go on walks/runs. I want to work out, and I basically have the span of my bedroom to do so! Does anyone have some ideas to help me exercise a little until I have access to a gym?


  • nathomas1
    do you have an xbox or a wii? both of those systems have fitness games that you can buy. early on, i use to play track and field and fruit ninja on xbox 360 often to burn calories before i started running.
    i get what you are saying about being slippery...i will typically run outside despite the temperature as long as it's not slippery but that's not been possible lately. i fortunately have a gym membership to fall back on, but am hoping to let that expire this fall. i'm tired of paying tons of money every year to just have that as a backup plan 10-12 times a year. it's not worth it.

    i'll follow this post to see what others suggest. good luck!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Pick a workout and google it.

    Look for bodyweight workouts for strength training and whatever you will enjoy for cardio.

    The 30 day shred is available on You Tube and only requires the space of a yoga mat and light weights.

    Fitness Blender is another good resource: their workouts are filmed with a static camera, so you know that they all fit within a reasonably small space.
  • mcflyima
    p90x and insanity are all home based and need little to no equipment. Also, turning up music dancing and throwing in some burpees, sit ups, squats, and pushups and can do wonders if you need to stay home and work out for a little while
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    everything that has been said + http://www.fitnessblender.com/
    Edit: FB had already been said :D then it looks like I'm useless here.
    Anyway, I'm doing T25 at home and I think it's great. Just find what works for you.
  • medeamama
    medeamama Posts: 47 Member
    I exercise in my bedroom all the time!
    Of course, I have a step, a stability ball, and free weights, but but there is a lot you can do even without those things!

    I like to do squats. I will do a routine that involves a couple sets of squats and squat holds. Sometimes I add free weights and bicept curls & military presses, etc to the squats.
    I also do lunges and reverse lunges. Again, you can add weights to do chops and other things if you want to mult-task. The internet can provide lots of ideas!
    Push ups and planks are nice to break up all those leg exercises too. And, of course, you don't need any equipment, just your own sweet self!
    Once I have exhausted myself with those things I like to do a good half hour of abs - a combination of pilates, holds and good old-fashioned crunches of all sorts!
    To round it out, I will do some bridge work.
    I usually finish with planks.

    Hope that helps.
  • kindexistence
    Wow, thanks for all the great tips. I'll definitely give some a go! I've been really interested in work out videos on youtube, so I'll look them up! I don't have any gaming consul here, unfortunately. I just want a little something to get my body working so that when I finally get my membership the transition into exercising again isn't too drastic!
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    I do this when it's snowy and it's too cold to get out the shed where my weights are. :drinker:

    10 Push-ups
    20 Crunches
    30 Squats
    40 Stationary lunges---20 each leg
    50 Jumping jacks
    60 sec wall squat.
    Repeat 3 times.