

  • If any of y'all make it to Vermont ever, you MUST check out Hill Farmstead Brewery - their "Edward" brew - an American Pale Ale - is just amazing, INCREDIBLY hoppy and citrus-y, it's my new favorite brewsky ever!!
  • I have tried MANY brands/flavors of Greek yogurt and the ONLY one I can even tolerate is Stonyfield Organic OIKOS Greek Yogurt. The texture is much smoother/less chalky-gloppy than all the other brands I have tried. I like their chocolate, blueberry, strawberry, lemon and pineapple flavors. Do not care for their mixed…
  • 1) What made you want to change? Fear of GMOs and wanting to know where my food comes from. I am a huge localvore and the thought of giving my hard earned grocery money to a farmer up the road is more appealing to me than lining the coffers of Kraft, Nabisco, etc. 2) How did you go about making the change? Made the…
  • I struggle with this too. Weekdays are fairly straightforward in that while my schedule isn't the same every day, there's a similar structure to my days that just plain doesn't exist on the weekends.
  • Now that is a very good reason to hold back on the office goodies, the germs! I will think of that whenever I am tempted - which is often. Thanks for the tip!!
  • I think, good for them, how inspiring to see people take their health and destiny into their own hands, make a change, and improve their lives. Anyone can sit on the couch eating Cheetos all day but it takes real guts to put yourself out there and change your life, especially when knowing you might be at the receiving end…
  • I do 30 minutes of elliptical training on most days and depending on how hard I push it, I burn between 295-310 calories, according to the machine. By my count, that's about 10 calories per minute, so the max I'd burn in 5 minutes would be 50. 100 seems super duper high for that period of time, it would equate to 600…
  • Agree with the others who said eat more REAL foods. I know I feel like garbage if I eat like that. Eating real and fresh, whole foods takes a bit more preparation but most assuredly can be done on a busy schedule, with just a bit of pre-planning. I eat a delicious homemade chef salad for lunch every day - on Sundays, I…
  • Only if you couldn't ride safely (bending the frame, difficulty balancing, popping tires) - all of which seem like extreme scenarios which may only exist in my head. LOL Anyway - I have heard that from some people, they're too afraid to (go to the gym, go running, ride a bike, you name it) because of the fear that someone…
  • I tried Chantix a few years ago for a week or two... when I wasn't mentally ready, but just giving a halfhearted try to pacify my husband, mother, etc. It didn't make me suicidal but homicidal! I turned into such a raging psycho while on that stuff! YES it decreased my desire to smoke but the rage I felt while on that…
  • I would disagree with that. I'd quit for brief periods of time in the past - and I knew that *this time* was going to be THE time when I can finally say I am a non-smoker... I wanted to have somewhat of an aid in dealing with the physical withdrawal symptoms. The Nicorette patches say to use them for 12 weeks I think - now…
  • You have to be mentally ready, first of all. No wishy-washy about it, or you won't succeed. You have to commit to yourself that you're DONE smoking, period. Until you get to that point, you're SOL with having a chance of success. When you DO get to that point, make a plan. I got to that point around my 30th birthday -…
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