how big is too big?

to bike.. i feel like im too big to ride a bike... be honest


  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    I'm not a biker but I would say to try it out or start with walking and then bike
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    Last summer I was 181 lbs and would not go on my bike. Now that I am at 148 and still losing, I think I might .
  • You may actually enjoy it, you're not too big. :)
  • debidietel069
    debidietel069 Posts: 14 Member
    I don't think anyone is to big for a bike. If your comfortable on it ride it. Your getting exercise so who cares what others think this about you and being healthy.
  • eksb
    eksb Posts: 93
    Never! Seriously. Biking is great! Get a strong, comfortable bike that fits you. If you don't, you'll hate it and never use it. Don't forget a helmet. No spandex needed. Great for low impact workout. Start by just going around your neighborhood or do some local errands. Does your city have a bike trail/route? Go for it!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I rode a bike at 382 pounds, what is wrong with you people. You have to get past yourself to truly break free of the issues holding you down. How big is too big, if you can't peddle, if you can peddle then the bike is okay for you if you want to do it.
  • Only if you couldn't ride safely (bending the frame, difficulty balancing, popping tires) - all of which seem like extreme scenarios which may only exist in my head. LOL

    Anyway - I have heard that from some people, they're too afraid to (go to the gym, go running, ride a bike, you name it) because of the fear that someone will laugh, "oh look at fattie, they look ridiculous".

    Well from my perspective, I think it is AWESOME whenever I see a very large person at the gym, or out for a walk, or playing pickup basketball, you name it. I love seeing people take control of their own destiny and DOING something about their health as opposed to being lumps on the couch. I admire this, and would never ridicule it. Even when I was a size 0 twig I never looked down on an overweight person being "out there" and exercising.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I rode a bike at 382 pounds, what is wrong with you people. You have to get past yourself to truly break free of the issues holding you down. How big is too big, if you can't peddle, if you can peddle then the bike is okay for you if you want to do it.

    ^^ this, I honestly don't bike, I ride my stationary. I have seen very large people biking down here in S Florida like over 300lbs to me is very large, and all I thought was wow. That is awesome!!!

    If you want to bike then go for it and ignore anyone who tells you any different especially if they are no one important to you:flowerforyou:
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    I'm over 300 lbs and using a recumbent bike now. I love it so far. I'm technically over the weight limit for the machine but it's sturdy and working just fine for me. I started at 357 here and mostly concentrated on walking so I would definitely start with that if you are as heavy or heavier than I was.
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    I've been riding a bike since my start weight of 290 lbs, don't see any reason why not to ride a bike at any size as long as you're able!!
  • I personally try and help the guys at the gym that want and need help. I was way overweight at one time and I will never forget. You do feel awkward in your own skin and you feel like everyone is looking at you. Honestly now that I am in good shape I can honestly say the only ones staring at you are the ones with their own self confidence issues. Go ride your bike, you look fine!
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    If you are not comfortable, maybe you could try a stationary bike first.
    If you feel balanced and safe, then you are not too big and you will get so much enjoyment from being outside.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    If you can get on it, stay on it and peddle, then you're not too big! :) I think you'll be just fine! You may want to consider wearing clothes suitable for cycling such as padded pants (I wear them cos it can get blummin' painful!) Are you considering gym bike or proper bike? Just remember if you're cycling a proper bike to wear a helmet and maybe some gloves *JUST IN CASE*.

    It's really good for you is cycling, especially when injured or *being as polite as possible* on the heavier side as puts less stress on your bike. It;'s also great for your heart and burning fat. Make sure you also adjust the seat properly. Just like in squats and lunges your knee should never extend over your tea or from the "Vertical position" behind leg is fine though. Knee should have a slight bend too so adjust the saddle height appropriately which will be about hip height! Hope that helps! If you get some brisk power walking in too, you;re on to a winner! Walking at 6.5KPH burns more calories as physically more difficult to move in a walking style, than jogging at 6.5KPH! :) X
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    870 lbs
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    870 lbs

    ^^ love this. Give it a try, you will love it. Don't worry about your size.
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    You can never be too big in my opinion :)
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    When I started out @ 298 pounds I lost my first 60 pounds using Leslie Sansone walk at home cd and walking during my lunch breaks no way was i comfortable to get on a bike.
  • Anything bigger than 7-7.5 inches is totally unnecessary

  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    I rode a century ride last July at 334 pounds I am 6 foot 4 and age 44. There is a pic of me in my profile smiling after 10 slow hours on my bike. If I can do that just about anyone can.
  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member
    If you can get on and off a bike you can ride...I suggest a big bad cushy seat though, I have one and it makes riding a bike a much more pleasant experience.