Another thread about processed food....



  • 1) What made you want to change?
    Fear of GMOs and wanting to know where my food comes from. I am a huge localvore and the thought of giving my hard earned grocery money to a farmer up the road is more appealing to me than lining the coffers of Kraft, Nabisco, etc.

    2) How did you go about making the change?
    Made the decision I want my family to eat whole and more importantly, organic. We are very busy people - now instead of grabbing a frozen Smart Ones for lunch, I will grab a frozen Amy's Organic burrito - if I don't have time to make something from scratch. I'll grab a Newman's Own frozen pizza if I don't have time to make one from scratch. 100% of the dairy we consume is organic and I've made great strides in other food groups as well.

    3) Did you start by slowly reducing or going cold turkey?
    A hybrid, I guess. I didn't throw out our non-organic/processed food, we will go through it and use it up, but I rarely purchase it anymore.

    4) How did you feel after 1 week, 1 month, or longer?
    Have been consistently working toward 100% organic (and reduced processed food) for over a year now, and have really clamped down in the past few months. I feel so much better, a lot less weighed down, and as others have said I feel full and am less likely to snack on sugar and garbage foods when I've eaten well.

    5) Did you manage to stick to it?
    So far so good. Not to say I'm a saint - if I'm at someone else's house and they serve crap food, I will eat it. But I prefer good, real food instead. :)