insidelane Member


  • yeah I don't think it's a massive hidden agenda when they are trying to make a country healthy...
  • What kind of wine do you drink? Closest thing to low cal wine would be a sparkling white/rose (with low alcohol). In wine I'd say the majority of calories is from the alcohol (9cals/gram I believe) whereas beer is carbs+alcohol, scotch and coke (the coke).
  • You are eating a ridiculously low amount of food for someone of your weight. Also how do you measure the calories burnt in your exercise? I wouldn't trust whatever you read on the eliptical. You really need to focus on eating right first, and finding what a comfortable calorie goal is. I would concentrate on logging your…
  • I like how everyone ignored this post completely; even though it's 100% true. But go on, keep believing that your 'muscle lengthening yoga' will burn fat in your legs.
  • Also with 5 workouts per week I doubt you are getting anywhere close to the required rest between workouts. For strenuous or high intensity workouts you should really be getting a 48 hour break in between, and a minimum 24 hours for low intensity ones. Try and aim for 3 workouts per week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and get…
  • If you mean reduce the fat on your calves, that's impossible. But if you are just trying to reduce the muscle mass there then I can't really see that happening either. Any proper exercise routine would include something that activates your calves (squatting, running, group fitness) so I think you're SOL.
  • BMI is useless really, just use a mirror :)
  • You can order pizza without the cheese, or order half/quarter cheese when you ring them up. Either that or make your own pizza; tastes a million times better.