cjec21 Member


  • I love watching both the American and Japanese versions, and I was really impressed with Kacy Catanzaro's performance as well! It was shocking too that her trainer and boyfriend, Brent Stefenssen, got owned by the Ring Toss (or whatever the second to the last obstacle was). Aside from the athleticism of the contestants,…
  • Alright! How long have you been doing pole btw? When I read aerial sling, I thought it was something like this: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=271363966372361&set=vb.175752642600161&type=2&theater
    in Hey hey :) Comment by cjec21 March 2014
  • Hey, I can be your northern hemisphere buddy (Canada) :)
    in Hey hey :) Comment by cjec21 March 2014
  • Hi there! I log in everyday, so I can bug you to keep logging if that's what you're looking for haha I like anime and games too, but I've been more of a casual watcher/gamer due to work and other stuff. Feel free to shoot me a message!
  • I thought it was only three people that made it? I know one guy, Yuuji Urushihara, won it twice. But Ninja Warrior is a big inspiration for me, I watch the Total Victory episodes before every workout to get me pumped. Too bad the American version is only exclusive to Americans, so I would have to fly all the way to Japan…
  • I watch both the American and Japanese versions of the show, and I was really excited when they announced the USA vs. Japan special! I felt really bad for the Japanese competitors, they were the ones that had more experience in that course but yet they still got destroyed. Especially Yuuji Urushihara, who was considered a…
  • Hey, good job in losing the first 10 pounds! I had the same realization as you when I first started; I needed to fix my diet if I wanted to get anywhere with my weight loss journey. Got serious in logging my food in myfitnesspal, started eating more veggies, and before I knew it I had lost over 30 pounds. If you need any…
  • 1. Still Alive (Paul Van Dyk Mix): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcEA2gK9Gx4 2. It's a Fight - Three Six Mafia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNZBDkwHV34 3. Inner Light - Shocking Lemon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z9y_4mnJKE One for running, one for lifting, and one for pushing out that last rep/kilometer. :)