ElectricMayhem Member


  • bump:wink:
  • :bigsmile: :bigsmile: The characters in the band represent me in many ways....when i'm acting all cray cray i'm animal, when i'm feeling laid back and girly i'm Janice, back in High School i was more like Dr. Teeth at some parties :laugh:
  • My username is based on the band from the Muppet Show named Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. (remember Animal?!) I was raised by hippie parents so naturally that was my favorite show :wink: When i used to play Rock Band and Guitar Hero that was the gaming nickname i came up with and it's stuck ever since.
  • I'm due Sept 16th with my second child (my son is 11 years old!) this is my husband's first kid so it makes everything pretty new for me again :smile: i'm looking to gain 15 pounds total , i had lost 63 pounds pre preggo and have gained about 5 pounds so far (i'll be 14 weeks tomorrow). haven't had any energy to exercise…
  • lovely but the color is a huge no no, that's a guaranteed way to upset someone along the way, go with a different color and it's a winner :bigsmile:
  • i love to run!! but i'm sharp enough without the scissors :wink: completed C25K last year, ran a few 5K's, i was in training for my first half marathon but now i'm 3 months pregnant so that's on hold, but still running...yeah! :bigsmile:
  • I am 12 weeks on wednesday and i have my calories set to maintenance (2010 calories per day)...some days i rock it like a champ, others i go over but i'm trying to listen to my body to gauge my hunger. I plan to gain about 15 pounds with this pregnancy since i had not hit my goal weight when i got pregnant. So far i've…
  • I'm 10 weeks 2 days and i've only gained 1 pound...i'm very very pleased with that because i intend to only gain about 15 pounds, i just switched my calories to maintenance for the first trimester...i don't always stay within calories every day but i def try my best :smile: i gained 30 pounds (right within normal for my…
  • hey back off lady :tongue: ok let me think of an actual weird fact about me....i can't sleep with my feet or hands/arms hanging off the bed for fear that some under the bed monster will snatch me out of bed by them (yes i'm 36 yrs old and still scared of the boogie man!) ....there ya happy now silly :laugh:
  • I hate peanut butter....there, i said it...whew that felt good :bigsmile:
  • well, you know how much i love you and your fabulousness :wink: i probably look older than my age (35) but i def don't feel 35 (and what the heck is that supposed to feel like anyways?!) i plan on being super fit before i hit 40 in the hopes that it will make me look and feel like 25 again :bigsmile:
  • I am a trying to lose my chunky by running runner :bigsmile: i finished C25K and have run two 5Ks, just started C210K and working my way up to my first half marathon in september- eeeeek!! i could always use good peeps in my corner :smile:
  • I would have to agree ...I've been doing this for almost a year now and i'm halfway to my goal (slow and steady right? lol) and i also quit smoking 10 months ago....my husband STILL smokes and really has no motivation to exercise. He DOES eat everything i cook with no complaints but he eats ginormous portions which kind of…
  • Wow....reading this story made my stomach do a flip flop!! I was 265 at my highest weight and that was almost 2 years ago...i started getting serious about losing weight last January after a previous co-worker called me fat and lazy (which incredibly i'd never been called that by anyone else in my entire life!!) her…
  • i'm with you on hating the treadmill!! i've yet to make it outside to run in very cold weather yet because i'm afraid of getting sick also!! I also get Super overheated when running so i can relate....hoping some of the more experienced runners on here can help you (us) figure it out...good luck! :smile:
  • Pissy Boom Boom (street name of a "frequent flyer" prostitute i took fine payments from when i worked at the courthouse.....True Story!) :bigsmile:
  • That is completely ludacris! I'm running my first 5K on thanksgiving and i'm still training for it but if i can't run the entire time so what?! Those folks who are seriously competitive i believe are competing against themselves to go a little bit faster or farther....as quite a few people on here have already stated. Good…
  • my thoughts exactly!! :laugh: sounds like something i'd go for though! gimme carne :bigsmile:
  • i think everyone is really wanting to know what type of exercise schedule you follow and what types of foods you eat etc..i think we all like to learn from others who've been successful :bigsmile:
  • That's over half a pound PER DAY!! How on earth did you accomplish this in such a short time? In any case, you've made an amazing transformation- congrats! :drinker: (that's water in my cup- i swear!)
  • Good reminder OP, thanks! and THIS^^ is exactly why i weigh myself daily, i've learned how my body reacts to everything now plus it keeps me accountable :bigsmile:
  • you should be very proud of how far you've come!! and that's a CRAZY amount of weight to lose in only 7 months- wow!!! you are simply beaming...Bravo :drinker: PS LOVE your dress...where's it from?
  • Seriously best (ok maybe most entertaining :wink: ) weight loss success story i've seen on mfp yet!! Love that you chose the C25K program to get fit...i've just completed week 6/day 1 today and i'm running my first 5K on thanksgiving (dear god!)....you've affirmed that yes i can do this (thanks for that!). congrats and…
  • I'm a "baby" runner (5 weeks into it haha). Sounds like my new list of rules to live by!! Thanks :bigsmile:
  • I completed week 5 day 2 on monday (i've been taking it easy the rest of the week because i have a wicked cold!), i was shocked that i actually made day 2 and survived it but i'm looking at day 3 and it's an 8 minute run, 5 minute walk then 8 minute run which equals a total running time of 16 minutes which is 2 minutes…
  • I too am a new runner (i really am liking the sound of that more and more!) . I'm on week 5 of Couch 2 5K and i'm ready to invest in a good pair soon and have been told by several runner friends to hit the running specialty stores to get fitted. Glad to hear you had a good experience with that, i'm sort of leaning towards…
  • Soooo hoping this is true for me too love!! My big boobs def make me look bigger overall and that's no bueno!
  • Skinny Taste is my favorite!!
  • I've been eating this for breakfast for over a week now and it's delish!! I plugged the ingredients in to the recipe calculator on here and it's 267 calories for a serving (i cut it into 6 servings), i used skim milk and i think that saved quite a few calories. Enjoy :bigsmile:…
  • I didn't read past this post of yours to see what else was said, but i agree with you completely. In fact, i stayed home sick the other day (and with a sick kid as well), and i managed to clean out part of the garage, do tons of laundry and make a humongous pot of yummy dinner for us to nosh on once the hubs got home. It…