

  • It is not even like that. I just asked for people's thought on my concern. A lot of people have been asking or stating things and I wanted to give a reply so they would have more info. Because then they could maybe help with thoughts even more. I have taken everyone statement to thought!
  • Everyone that had mentioned protein, carbs and calcium, I get all that I need of all of those. I often find that at the end of the day I have eaten too much protein on the myfitnesspal. I drink a cup of milk a day too!
  • My snacks are like a yogurt, fruit, or few chips with salsa or something like that. My dinners normally do have the most calories. The my main cooked meal of the day for my household!
  • I am eating almost 1,500 calories a day! I have my breakfast shake in the morning, small snack between, Lunch is normally a apple with cream cheese dip and a CarbMaster or lite yogurt, a snack between and then dinner. I know I am getting food. But I have cut things down from what I use to eat I bet I use to eat over 3,000…
  • He was finishing is MBA before we get married. I wanted to stay near my family so WE decided that I would stay with our daughter while he finished is MBA. Now is got excepted for a Executive position that he is in training for. We don't want to get married being over 700 miles apart. And he has not EVER said that he hates…
  • I only use the slimfast first thing in the morning. It helps me with my hunger all afternoon, and my emotional eating habits. But I have noticed if I get bored I snack a lot. I have been trying to eat better things. Like an apple with lite yogurt. More salads. But I don't plan on staying on the slimfast it is just a…
  • He does encourage me too. We talk on the phone and he tells me how proud he is. And texts me all the time, with things too. And has is own special ways of helping me. But he didn't say that he wouldn't marry me cause im overweight. He knows how long i have been wanting to marry him. So he used it as a leverage for me to…
  • He supports me from a distance. He lives in a different state. But he bought my gym membership because its what I wanted. And he bought me an Ipod for apps and music. And told me if there is anything I need to get my goal accomplished to let him know. But i am basically alone on this. Besides my family!
  • Thank you everyone for your replies. Some of it has helped.
  • drezzal: Yes I am going to the gym. I do the Elliptical, Spin cycle, I do classes, and weights. Plus I do Squats, push-up, ect. I don't do them all at the same time. I choose 2 or 3 that I do, and switch them up so my body doesn't get use to them too quickly. I have my account on here to help me watch what I eat! I just…
  • Hello, about the detox stuff, you do have to be careful. My cousin is a crazy detox person. Shes always doing one. Sometimes she gets sick and feels really drained. But one that her and i have tried together and felt amazing is something called "African Mango". My Fiance is from Africa and told me about this fruit, they…