

  • Ankle and Wrist weights also help strengthen arm and leg muscles in addition to adding more "load" to carry. As far as calculating how much more you burn, you would add the weight of the weights to your body weight and calculate how many calories a person of that weight would weigh. If I put on my two ten pound ankle…
  • My goal is to lose 80 pounds starting last weekend. 2 a week for 40 weeks gives me a dozen weeks to screw up throughout the year. I know it won't be that simple
  • Did a lot of snow shoveling today. Listed it under gardening which for my weight was about 466 cals per hour. Does that sound about right?
  • I'm in. Took things for granted. Would get my act together and workout in earnest, eat right, tomorrow, next week, whenever. I knew I could get it done. Had a car accident 6 weeks ago and now find myself further from my fitness goals than ever before. I am back though. Determined to lose 80 pounds starting NOW.
  • For what it's worth here are my 2 cents ... Stop beating yourself up. Tomorrow's a new day. If you are thrown off your 5 trips to the gym a week routine, maybe it's gotten too routine. Maybe go at a different time of day. Different type of work. You know what I mean. If you get there once or twice next week, and then maybe…
  • I joined a few days ago and am very happy wtih how user friendly everything is. My first impression of logging in my food diary and excercise diary was that it would be time consuming and tedious. It is anything but that. I have a substantial amount of weight to lose and will be here for the next 25 weeks or so. Love to…