

  • The sugar goal is really hard for me, because I love to bake. On really bad days, I've noticed I can eat way over the sugar limit, but stay within the calorie restrictions, and still lose weight. Not healthy, but still meeting my overall goal. I have a serious weakness for fruit and coconut sesame seed cookies, and mochi.…
  • My boyfriend started using MFP about 3 months after I did when he saw me working out all the time, counting calories, and looking much better in my swimsuit. I would ask him questions like, "Do you think my marketability has gone up since I lost 8 lbs?" while turning around in my two piece... He seemed to take the hint and…
  • Thanks for posting the awesome photos. They are so clear and a great reflection on the difference between body fat percentage and weight. I've been plateaued at the same weight for ages now, but my body fat has gone down by 4 percentage points and I can't see the cellulite anymore, which makes me pretty happy even though…
  • Another trick someone taught me when you are at a plateau and have stopped losing weight, is to go over by 200 calories or so for a day. My body seems to get used to eating a smaller amount and then stops losing weight, but if I up my calories for a day or two per week (I take one day off per week to eat what I want when I…