how the heck do i say under my sugar goal??

As a habit, I do not eat candy or "sweets", but I do try to get my fruit in every day. I am finding that two servings of fruit and a tiny bit of jam are putting me well over my sugar limit, and I find that extremely frustrating. I love my veggies, but I need fruit too!

Suggestions? Anyone else have similar issues? Should I up my goal? My diary is open, so feel free to take a look.


  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Personally, I don't worry about sugar...unless you have specific concerns, such as diabetes, I would suggest you focus more on your macros - carbs, fat and protein. I know how you feel, because I hate seeing the red numbers!
  • skinny4baby2
    Simple answer: I ignore it. Haha. The way I see it, fruit is super healthy, and that always puts me over. I just try to limit myself to one real goodie per week and avoid high fructose corn syrup in everything else. As long as I'm doing that, I don't seem to see sugar affecting my weight loss.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 922 Member
    Try to ignore the fruit "contribution" to the sugar bucket... easier said than done, but MFP doesn't distinguish between banana sugar and bonbon sugar...
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You don't. Ignore it. The sugar goal on MFP seems to bear no resemblance to reality. The macros are somehow set to give you a bunch of carbs, but have an apple and you fly past the sugar limit. The protein is way too low as well. Focus more on staying under your total calorie limit than on hitting the preset targets. When you're more comfortable using MFP, you can reset your macros so the subcategories aren't so easily in the red.
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    Personally, I don't worry about sugar...unless you have specific concerns, such as diabetes, I would suggest you focus more on your macros - carbs, fat and protein. I know how you feel, because I hate seeing the red numbers!
    I agree, if your not eating UN HEALTHY it shouldn' really matter how many natural sugars you have.

    Remember white carbs are ALL sugar, so cut them out Whole Wheat etc.
  • PJFonz
    PJFonz Posts: 41 Member
    I only worry about added sugar, not the sugar that comes in food naturally.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    I have that same problem. And I've basically just given it a big middle finger because it's stupid.
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    Probably not the best advice ever, but I don't worry about my Sugar Goal that is set my MFP. Like you, I eat fruit and ALWAYS go over on sugar. I have never had a probably with sugar levels so I just let it happen.

    My sugar will go over with a breakfast "green monster" smoothie and lunch salad with some fruit on top.

    As long as I'm not going way over every day with candy bars or other junk, I just can't bring myself to worry about it.
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    I'm the exact same way. If I have two pieces of fruit... I'm over. It's ridiculous. That being said... sugar is my enemy and is what usually causes me to gain.. so I try my darndest to stay within the guidelines. I try to eat fruits that are low on the GI and avoid and processed foods. This helps me and i definitely see my weight drop more when i stick to it.
  • cfregon
    cfregon Posts: 147
    I can't get into your diary (It's not open to the public), but personally, I don't worry about it too much, I just track overall carbs. I get plenty of fruit in and sweets sometimes too, but I don't stress. I personally think tracking the sugar would be more important if you're diabetic or pre-diabetic. Just make sure you're balancing your sugar with plenty of fiber and protein- those will help the system counteract and use the sugar properly. To me, there are more important macros for long as you aren't way over doing it (like getting 200g sugar a day) or something it should be fine.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Easy - eat less things that contain sugar.
    If it's that important to you, weigh and size up your portions perfectly and just do it.
    As for me, I try to come close. And contrary to what some preach, sugar from fruit is not as worrisome as processes sugar from processed foods.
    Just do your best - Good Luck:smile:
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    I had to cut out sugar to stay under. Some of my MFP'ers don't count natural sugar.
    It really depends on you and your body. My body is super sensitive to sugar so I avoid it when possible.
  • malins2
    malins2 Posts: 154 Member
    I can't see your diary. Are you trying to lose weight and not seeing the results you want to, then I would suggest you try to eat less sugar 8even if it comes from fruit) eat berries instead. But if you see the results you want to see, then just ignore it because fruit is good for you!
  • 2Blackbirds
    2Blackbirds Posts: 4 Member
    Switch to sugar-free jam and low-sugar fruits like berries. Like Tashmayes said, avoiding processed food and sticking to whole natural food sources is a simple way to avoid sugar, too. So much processed food has unnecessary sugar added to it! Bread, salad dressing, condiments....things you'd never suspect.

    Sugar is my enemy, too, and I've found that my health has improved in so many areas (not just weight) since drastically cutting back on it.
    JESSJESJ Posts: 121 Member
    I have the same problem. I tend to focus on the carbs generally, rather than sugars specifically, since most of mine come from fruit.
  • CassandraMarie3
    CassandraMarie3 Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks everyone! Intuitively I would think that I should be able to eat the recommended servings of fruit without worrying about my sugars, but I have started to pay attention to my macros, and didn't want to be screwing the whole thing up with just my sugars.

    I fixed my diary settings, it was previously set to "only friends".
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    If you eat fruit, you cannot meet MFP's recommendation. I have actually cut back on fruit (where I could find easy replacements for the nutrients), but still eat at least 2 pieces a day (a banana and an apple) and routinely break my sugar goal (the banana, apple, plus a half cup of oatmeal and a few carrots leaves me with 4g of sugar for the day).

    Sugar is sugar, but fruit sugars tend to come with nutrients, and are generally still attached to fiber and other things that reduce the speed at which the body can process them. And it sure beats the Snickers bar I used to have in the afternoon for my pick-me-up! :happy:
  • antiqueembryo
    The sugar goal is really hard for me, because I love to bake. On really bad days, I've noticed I can eat way over the sugar limit, but stay within the calorie restrictions, and still lose weight. Not healthy, but still meeting my overall goal. I have a serious weakness for fruit and coconut sesame seed cookies, and mochi. So hard. An apple will give you more nutrition than a cup of soda, but the sugar it contains is still bad for you. Too bad veggies aren't more delicious.
  • angelalf1979
    angelalf1979 Posts: 244 Member
    This was my same concern. Thank goodness cuz I love my fruit!!
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    I wouldnt worry about it, but if this helps,
    3. What Fruits Are Low In Sugar?

    That said, if you are determined to eat low-sugar fruits to boost your weight loss (and your morale) during the early days of your weight management plan, the following fresh fruits are low in sugar:

    Apple (sliced)
    Apricot (4 oz.)
    Cherry (sour, sweet, 10 medium)
    Coconut meat (1 oz. or 1 cup shredded/grated, not packed)
    Coconut milk
    Currant (red, black, white)
    Grape (10 medium)
    Honeydew melon
    Kiwi fruit (1 medium)
    Kumquat (1 medium)
    Lemon/Lime (2 inch diameter)
    Lemon/Lime Juice (1 oz)
    Orange (sections, without membrane)
    Peach (1 med, 4 oz.)
    Persimmon (American, Japanese, 1 medium)
    Pineapple (1 oz)
    Tangelo (1 medium)
    Tangerine (1 medium)

    Except where noted, all have less than 10 gm carbs in a half cup serving.

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