happy_vegan Member


  • HRM. everything on MFP is like crazy high calorie burn. Like biking - 600 calories an hour? in your dreams unless you're lance armstrong.
  • Nobody at the gym cares. Think about it - the gym's a pretty silly place. You're all running around in this little box because you all have goals of health or fitness or beauty.. so everyone's there for their OWN self. I've never seen anyone point and laugh at anyone and whenever I see someone who is just starting working…
  • and yes. i have to be soaked in sweat and had my heart rate around 155 the whole time to get near 500 an hour. not possible at walking (115ish)
  • not sure how it works but maybe if you are severely obese you might get your heart rate up that high because you aren't used to the exercise. it's the eternal problem - the more in shape you are - the harder it is to burn...
  • It changed my life and the way I think about food and diet. It's about changing your habits and your understanding of your body because it works slowly. But it doesn't take long to start feeling like a million bucks - keep exercising....
  • That's so cool! Can I ask - what's your current weight/height? I feel like we have similar body types and I never see people who look like me.. :D
  • wonderful! keep up the awesome work :)
  • Although I do try to stick to the same calories every day just to keep a regimen and some accountability, you have to understand that you know what? Sometimes you will go to that buffet with your friends and you won't get your calorie count right, or you will have dessert on that special date and you didn't exercise enough…
  • What led to your weight gain in the first place? Was it poor eating habits as a result of stress, or pregnancy, or lack of willpower, injury, hospitilization, or lack of right information about calories? Every answer will produce a different direction in how changing your diet can have great results. Some questions to…
  • One good thing that won't help physically but maybe mentally, and kept me going through some of it was that hunger is an indicator of your metabolism roaring :) Here is an interesting article about the nature of true hunger http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joel-fuhrman-md/redefining-hunger_b_789980.html
  • Based on what my heart rate monitor shows me, those calorie estimates are easily 25-50% off. Especially the biking or any other light exercise that doesn't get your heart rate above 150. I also notice at the gym the calorie counter is extremely generous. I suspect they are using either heavier people? Does anyone know if…
  • Sizes never make any sense to me! I'm 5'-8" and at 150 I still wear a size 12.... I always knew I had wide hips but I've always been a big size. My sister and I have a similar problem - when she's very skinny, legs don't touch and everything she's still a size 5. I'm envious of you people with small frames!
  • Why is there this constant need for self-righteous display on mfp?? It's not just this post, there were other just as annoying troll-like posts. I'm also looking for herbs or something I can use as an appetite suppressant, because the problem isn't that I don't know how to track calories or eat healthy it's that it's all I…
  • that's awesome. how did you change your cravings over from other foods?
  • b12 is amazing and will get your energy and brain functioning up really fast. I prefer the patches because I feel it absorbs better, but the under-the-tongue pills are good too.
  • yes. this is why i stopped because it would literally ruin my day. but now i've gained weight so i'm not sure what advice to give - maybe switch to measurements?
  • 30 pounds to go from US 14 to US 10.
  • yeah fruit has a lot of calories...why do people think vegetables or fruit aren't food and you thus wouldn't record their calories???
  • thats interesting, i like that idea. any other ideas?
  • i love that it has the calories already spelled out for me...makes it easy for me to choose the recipe or not! i think i will choose this recipe..keep posting!!!
  • oh and i was a new runner last year, but ran a half marathon no problems just having one of those little energy gel things before hand. you won't be too hungry and if you ARE races always have food stations at the end...you will make it :)
  • you're not alone...i can't believe you eat anything before running though to be honest. I wouldn't last half that distance you can go. I have to run on an empty stomach, and especially no caffeine or nicotine as stimulants make you have to poop :) i agree with whoever said if you really need it something like a clif bar or…
  • I have the same problem. It's the mental thing definitely. It's not about being hungry or stopping. I just can't. Right now i'm totally full but I have 350 calories left so i'm thinking oh well i could make some popcorn blah blah...why??? I want to think about things that aren't food. I don't think her problems have…
  • oh no i hate to hear that!!!!! i quit weighing myself for just that reason. is this your problem? Whenever I would weigh and i hadn't lost or I had gained or whatever I would get so depressed and it would ruin my day. I'm now working on losing until I feel the most happy with my body, then I figure I will weigh in at that…
  • processed food does not satisfy a belly the way actual food does. most of what americans and the western world eat is processed - BREAD IS A PROCESSED FOOD - even if you made it yourself, that flour has been processed. sugar is processed. most western base ingredients are processed. this goes beyond the artificial…
  • 2500 is a very large number unless you are male and over 6'. If it is 2500 because you have been sustaining a diet of excess eating then you should look to gradually whiddle away down towards 1200. If you skip from eating 2500 to 1200 you probably will quit because you won't find it reasonable. Take your time..maybe 100…
  • !!!!!!!!_WITHOUT KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP_!!!!!!!!! Someone posted that some guys like to be with larger women. That might be true. It might also be true that a lot of times when you lose weight you gain a lot of confidence, and maybe he liked having someone who wasn't as confident. Now that your confidence…
  • I agree the internet shouldn't be censored and am against sopa/pipa but it's not exactly a valiant act for google to step in on that one.. i'm sure pirated content searches are really high on their search engine and they make money based on how many people use it.... just saying :)
  • I have. Ive defintely had guys tell me who they think the hottest girl in the room is and it's the top row girls half of the time.... but i'm a big larger (size 8-10) and guys out of nowhere have told me that they really like my shape as compared to other shapes... but look, guys.. those girls on the bottom row aren't big…