

  • I agree with the posts above... would just like to add, that by eating protein with a carb, it reduces cravings. But you still only need a certain number of grams per day for nutritional needs so don't overdo it. Cardio is great for burning fat, but weight training & resistance is great for muscle build. Increased muscle…
  • Wow... that's a pretty impressive weight loss!! Congratulations! A job well done! I can't even lose 5 stinking lbs!! How did you stay motivated?
  • Having great health is a more than a good reason to engage in exercise!! More muscle than fat on your body speeds up ones metabolism, makes your heart healthy, gives you MORE energy... not to mention you look great with a hard body. ALL of that is great for a couples sex life.... who needs more encouragement!! On a second…
  • Congratulations.... you do look fabulous and I'm sure you must feel fabulous!! Can you share any tips on HOW you made it through the lows? I'm sure this would help a lot of us out there just starting our transformation journey. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Good for you! You've done great so far..continue to have faith in yourself AND focus on the positive. A hard position to be in as with injuries it usually means that you're couped up & can't get out. We're all proned to eat more when we're house bound. Get in touch with a physio therapist - they can help a lot through your…