HeidiSmith419 Member


  • Well done!! Keep up the good work!! I have a similar photo to your before. :neutral: the dreaded front butt! Man I hated it. :( Was the first plastic surgery I had once I'd lost the weight.
  • 365 to 187 and dropping... I've already had a panniculectomy a little over a year ago and have an abdominoplasty this fall. started about 3 1/2 years ago. Down 175lbs total.
  • My here is also a supplement you can try called inositol. It's an insulin sensitizer as well and combined with a PCOS friendly diet has shown better results than Metformin alone. Google contact me and I'll send you some links.
  • Was 360 at my highest. Have lost almost 175lbs. Still creeping along with a new PCOS specific diet now.
  • Thanks! I cut it out almost a year ago and have kinda already worked through (almost! Lol) all the "bad" GF products out there. High glycemic super processed foods. No questions really, just looking for like minded diaries to share. ;)
  • Gluten free/dairy free/ soy free. And pretty much just whole foods. Has helped tremendously. I've followed a blogger and website owner for years that's helped me lose over 170lbs. PCOS Diet Support
  • Ah!! Googled about "restart" ;) needed to be plugged into usb, and THEN hold the button 10-12sec. Thanks for the help!
  • Hmm it's just going into "stopwatch" mode. Held it for 15sec. Didn't come out of that mode even.
  • This made me think back to when they had clea cola! Remember Crystal Pepsi? Lol
  • I think my ticker should show up ;) 165+/- lbs lost. Started at 365 am around 200 now. still want to lose another 25 (or just look like it composition wise!) picture on my avatar.
  • Sometimes what really surprises me is serving sizes. Some times WAY more than you'd wanna eat (a TBS of balsamic glaze? Way too much even on a giant dinner salad!) or the amount of carbs in pasta! I eat one ounce, suggested serving is two but I recall thinking two was absolutely ridiculously too small. lol If you want…
  • it's genetics. You have the same skin your genetics gave you. Look around to your oldest relatives. ;) while I'm sure there is some benefit to keeping your skin healthy now, once the damage is done (stretch marks) it's done! Those scars are there. I knew I was in for plastic surgery from this weight loss. I have been…
  • Me too! Truly bizarre phenomenon! I think our expectations increase as we lose and we actually FEEL so much better, yet our mind wants to visually match that. Lol
  • The amount of skin and fat you may have leftover varies from person to person, age, skin condition and hereditary issues all play a role. There is simply no way to know what condition it will be in. I've lost aprox what you plan to lose. (Still have about 25 to go). I've unfortunately got a lot that will need plastic…
  • I'm a chip addict! Always have been. I turn to pretzels at times but if I'm able to I make kale chips or sweet potato chips in the oven. Both are healthy since the amount if fat added using a mister is negligible and salt is your option. A lot of recipes say they don't store well but I found leaving them in a warm oven for…
  • I create the recipes in MFP as I cook them. So each time I may have to go in and make slight adjustments to the qty of ingredients but in general it's the same. If the food is say, in a casserole dish? I just score out 9-12 servings depending on the macros I want for my meal. Now people can take what the want but you will…
  • I had similar symptoms and my Gyno removed several moderately sized polyps. I don't know how old you are but if you can't get a Dr to take you seriously then find a new one. Go to a larger city if needed. My Dr offered me a hysterectomy or an ablation. I also do not have kids and was only in my early 30's at the time. All…
  • My RD has not suggested anything like this and you can clearly see I've lost a good deal of weight lol I think I'd look for an RD or simply tell her this NO diet isn't sustainable. I've never had my RD say anything was a NO food. it's moderation, finding GOOD substitutes and making a plan that works for your lifestyle, not…
  • Incredible! She SWIMS two miles a DAY! And at 265lbs!
  • Because this needs to be repeated!! Buy yourself a cute cooler lunch sack and pack your own food. I also gained a bunch of my weight while working two jobs at the mall in my early 20's. make eating out a treat not a necessity. even the "healthy" options are still pretty awful choices if you are eating them more than a…
  • Awesome job!! But now you need some clothes that FIT! ;) I can tell you are a much smaller guy under that blue plaid shirt!
  • Insurance companies in the US *DO* cover it. Each has their own guildlines for qualification. There is no magic answer. It's mostly genetics. Look at your older relatives. If they all look relatively younger than their peers chances are you will be better off. Elasticity is genetic. Your age and weight will have some part…
  • Years (ok 10-15) before I was diagnosed as type2 in my mid 30's I was also experiencing hypoglycemia. I also have PCOS. I DO think there is a connection there. I also think insulin resistance is present LONG before tests are able to pick it up. PCOS is hereditary too so if you have people in your family that are diabetic I…
  • I saw a post on Instagram today about the jawbone which also syncs here. I haven't compared much but they seem very similar. The owner of the jawbone mentioned it will vibrate if you have been inactive too long to encourage increased activity. Does anyone know if the flex does that as well? I think the jawbone was only $20…
  • Yes and I had to add actual PB to get the right flavor but it did cut the calories significantly using mostly pb2 instead of actual PB. Make per directions but be prepared to add a little real PB to it once you taste it.
  • Depends on how much you work out and your metabolism/age. I'd probably say no though to 200. It's very difficult to lose much more than 100lbs in a years time. You will have slow downs and physically/mentally it is difficult to maintain that level of dedication. Every one if my friends have at one time or another commented…
  • I was referred for it by my Dr. I did a long program through the military. Longer and more comprehensive that most of the better civilian ones. I finished all classes and requirements but the psych eval. I also am type two (my A1c was 8.9) and I have PCOS as well as a family history of hereditary obesity. by the final…
  • You BOTH look so great! Well done!! Keep it up thru 2013!
  • I like the shiratake noodles but really JUST for Asian dishes. Good in homemade wonton soup. :) the thought of marinara or Alfredo on them is about as disgusting as I can image. Well there was the exception of when I thought it was a good idea to eat sliced Kiwi with my 0% Fage Greek yogurt. Some sort of weird acidic…
  • My highest on record (I have pictures where I believe i may have been bigger) was 362. I started MFP at 325 last April and am now 227. I am Hoping to get to 170.