

  • hi ladies, i'm in need of encouraging friends as well! Please feel free to add me as well! thanks! n.
  • Wow! Thanks for sharing this info! i am finding i don't have enough energy. i am starting to work out more consistently in the hopes that that is the piece missing. However, if after some time, that doesn't work, i'm definitely going to try increasing my daily calorie limit. How did you figure how much to increase by, if i…
  • Hi all, i would like to join in on the Friday challenge. i think it will help me stay accountable. Please add me as a friend if you think we could help motivate eachother. About me: i weigh 149ish and i am 5 foot 7 inches. i would like to weight 135. i LOVE food and i'm not great at exercising. Looking forward to…
  • Hi there, i haven't really used the Community aspect of MFP but i would like to. Specifically, i need support and a place to "check-in" and be accountable to so i stay on the right track. i'm 32 years old and i'm 5 ft 7 inches and i'm at 149. i would like to be 135. i am eating pretty well these days. i need to exercise.…