

  • This past January I celebrated my 4-year anniversary of overcoming a severe 13-year eating disorder (I was eating 300 calories per day, doing 4 hours of cardio & weight training at least 5 days per week). If I could share what I learned through all that from one of the best eating disorder clinics in the country, as well…
  • Absolutely, it's harder. The previous poster is correct. That is where your body wants to be, and if you're at a healthy weight, why are you trying to lose to an unhealthy weight? If you simply want to tone up, turn flab to muscle by doing toning exercises. That will raise your muscle mass thereby raising your metabolism.…
  • That sounds clever and amazing! Totally trying that! I like Breakstone's 100 cal. pack Cottage Cheese w/ Pineapple. Having some today, in fact.
  • I just went to Hopkins three times in the last month, and had two rounds of blood work done for the same reason. Trying to weed everything out yourself could take a LONG time (equating to more hair loss). And on your own, there's no way for you to test whether it's hormones, thyroid, etc. If I were you, I'd see a…
  • Not sure why my post posted twice, so I'm deleting one. :)
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