

  • OH wow cindy you have been through an awful lot , and you have great determination, well done, i was thinking of continuing doing the 30DS while my knee is bad, but the doctor pointed out that altho the painkillers would take away the pain and i might think im okay to do it i could be doing more damage as i do so, i will…
  • i was using to start off with 1kg weights and upped to 2kgs, i now know that was the wrong decision for me, but saying that i have not exercised much in a few years and the 30DS was the first proper exercise i was getting besides walking so i think it would be okay for people who are used to exercise to up their weights…
  • Thanks so much, i will still check in as you said, but so wished i could of stayed at it for the full 30 days instead of taking a break because of my knee, i will still stay on track with my calories and see how things go!!!!
  • Thanks so much everyone, i really am finding im getting a better workout and feeling it more with the 2kgs, thanks so much for all the feedback as i thought i was using the wrong sized weights, altho when i switched to the higher weight it felt like i was back to day 1 of the 30DS as i could barely lift them lol. Thanks…
  • I am only here 4 weeks, i lost 8 pounds the first week on 1200, and stuck to the 1200 for the other 3 weeks and lost notthing the scales didnt move an inch, it was so disheartening when i weighed in waitting for a loss, but i upped my calories by 200 calories to 1400 on thursday and i have lost 1 lb in 2 days so im happy…
  • I am on day 3, i cant do the skipping rope part so i just jog on the spot, and cant do the bicycle abs lol, The first day i barely got through the warm up hahaha and i was exhaused, yesterday was easier i done the whole thing obviously with a few seconds break in between, i never realised how unfit i had become, day 3…
  • Wow what a tranformation, well done .
  • Wow thanks so much everyone, yes it is the sweets that i find hard, today for some reason it hit me like a lead balloon that my heart is really set on this now and i know i can do it. I even surprised myself by losing 4kgs in a week, i know most of this is probably mostly water weight, and i dont want to go back to putting…