BabyRoseJeans Member


  • I too have been with MFP on and off. Now I hit a high weight and have gained 25 pounds back and here it is swim suit weather. I am trying to do more walking, watching what I eat and logging again, I have written off fast food since that has been my weakness. Find your weakness and write yourself a goal. Just one. Also…
  • imagine them in their birthday suit and just listen as if you are watching a tv show maybe it will seem less like a personal attack. Or imagine what you might want to say back to them in your head and sort of zone out of the actual words, or focus on a pen for example sitting on the desk, is it a quality pen or a cheap…
  • Hi and welcome. I am on round 2 to loose the last 15 pounds. This site is awesome. log every thing that touches your lips. Drink tons of water and stay focused on your daily exercise, for me, if I go 1 day without some sort of effort I loose my ground.
  • Me too! Just today! Just got off treadmill doing 37 min. and burned 426 calories. Today is my new start day! I also was here on MFP last January I lost 30 pounds, but gained 5 back on a cruise and have never had the ambition to get going again. But today is my change day, goal is 15 more pounds to put me in the healthy…