deadlifting_diva Member


  • My Pandora has the following stations for workouts: Orgy, Justin Timberlake/Timbaland, Nero/Flux Pavillion, Parabola (TOOL), and Pendulum/Dieselboy. Depending on the day, I can either rock out, get down to some beats, or go all out with the D&B. :)
  • My two biggest issues with the jackknife were sweaty shins and poor balance. I try to wear workout pants now because no amount of towel drying will stop the sweat from sliding me right off every time. For the balance though, I have a yoga mat that I do the jackknife on. The mat seems to grip the ball and keep it from…
  • I was going to suggest this. On days when I need to hit my calorie goal but am not ravenous, i go for these things. Nuts are high in calories and offer good fats and protein.
  • I think this is SO important. I noticed a substantial difference in my energy, recovery time, and overall soreness when I started consuming the correct amount of protein for strength training. Depending on your taste preferences, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, lean meats, and cheeses like provolone and mozzarella are good…
  • I think it's worth mentioning that your cycle may play a part too. At the end of my first week of lifting, the scale went up five pounds and wouldn't budge. Once my "favorite" time of the month came, I noticed the weight starting to slowly shed again. I also read somewhere that the muscles will likely build up faster than…
  • I absolutely agree with this. I log my weight, but only for record keeping purposes these days. I have been more excited about the numerous improvements I see and feel and completely satisfied with my minor three lb. loss.
  • I'm officially halfway through Stage 1 as of today! Please add me as well if you're looking for lifting friends :happy:
  • Hi Marnie! I am new here, just joined last week. I am also trying to restrict to 1200 calories per day. In addition, I'm trying to quit smoking and start exercising. I know how you feel with the hunger. I think the first day was the worst for me. I have previously done Atkins, any time I've wanted to lose a little weight.…