I have to do what!?????

Hi hi all!! You can call me Marnie.. I am 5 foot 7 and 190 lbs. ugh!!! I started my "life change" the first week of January. I have lost a total of 12 lbs so far. I want to lose another 45 lbs. I have been eating 10x's healthier and working out.

Here is my issue. I am 100% new to counting calories and working out. I am lost!!

Mfp says i need to take in 1210 calories a day. I am finding this extremely hard!!!!!!!! I used to drink 2 monster energy drinks and 1 dr. pepper a day. I now drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning and the rest of the day i drink crystal light. Because of this and eating better and working out a few days a week, i have lost the 12 pounds. I have hit a plateau. My workout routine is........ I walk/jog/run for 30 minutes a day, work on my ab lounge 5 minutes a day and work out on my boflex thingy 10 minutes a day. I do this circuit 4 times a week.

I am lacking motivation to actually work out or really do anything!! I am a stay at home mom, who rarely leaves the house.
As of today, i have ate 2 pieces of toast and sat on my *kitten*, glued to my computer. I'm hungry but nothing sounds good. I am about to fix supper though. (cheesy, chicken and broccoli pasta thingy)

I could use advice in every aspect!!!!!! However you need to dumb it down because it seems my brain has went on vacation without me. :embarassed:


  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 851 Member
    Other people will explain why, no doubt. Don't kill yourself trying to stay down at 1210 calories... I'm five inches shorter than you and would find that excruciating. Add a few hundred more healthy calories, play with some new recipes, try new things. Good job sticking with your workout plan so far and with the 12lbs!!!
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom too. I've noticed the more water I drink and the more I exercise, the more energy I actually have to work out. I bought the biggest loser for kinect, it's hard for me because I haven't done any exercise in about 5 years but it is motivational. This site has also made me really aware of what I'm eating. I tried using my kids and husband as motivation, but that didn't work for me at all. I know they will love me no matter what. What worked for me, was to stop calling this a diet. To me a diet seems too temporary. I need to make this change permanent. I don't do it for anyone else. I am doing it for myself. I'm not happy with what I see when I look in the mirror and that in itself is huge motivation.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I usually eat 14-1500 calories on days i don't exercise. Days I do exercise I eat around 1800. It might give you more energy to get outside.
  • nikolaim5
    nikolaim5 Posts: 233
    Pardon my candor but you're hardly working out.

    Get the book "the new rules of lifting for women". You can adapt most of the lifts in the book to a bowflex.

    FYI, of all the diet sodas out there, diet DP takes the most like the regular version of any.

    MFP says 1210 cals based on what? How much weight are you trying to lose in how much time?
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    The more veggies and protein you take in the fuller you will feel, and veggies are very low in calories (however, you can't smother them in cheese or butter) the trick is to eat 4-6 small meals a day, if you save all your calories till dinner you will have a tendency overindulge due to starvation. When you hit a plateau you have to change something up to get past it more quickly, up your workout time or intensity, change what you're eating, etc. Make sure the breads and pasta you eat are made with whole grains and not white or bleached flour ( a pasta i LOVE is Barilla Plus, it's not whole grain but it's made with Duram wheat and chickpeas but it tastes EXACTLY like white pasta, my hubby can't tell the difference.) they will take longer for your body to process and keep you full longer. If you're food diary is public people can help you figure out what to change.. also try the recipes forum for tasty healthy food.. remember, the rest of us here aren't fat because we like tasteless food ;)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Eat more. For real. You need wy more than 1210 calories.

    Set your goals to "Lose one pound a week." You will be given more to eat.

    Set your activity level to "Lightly Active" (If you are a stay at home mom to a toddler, you are lightly active.)

    Exercise - walk - do the Wii or exercise DVDs for 30 minutes a day. Eat the exercise calories.

    Ta Da.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'm assuming you have your goal lbs to drop per week at 2lbs? If so, I'd change it to 1 or 1.5lbs/wk and MFP will give you more calories. I think your body needs more fuel and anything below 1200 for a period of time will actual hinder your weightloss. Also, make sure you eat back your exercise calories. You should see a NET of at least 1200 calories on workout days!
  • Rogue9613
    I'm also 5'7, and when I started in December I was close to 190. MFP has me at 1400 calories.. and I rarely have the chance to work out, so I have my activity level set on "sedentary". I'm down to 165 currently.. going for 145. You may want to start with the 1lb per week option, which will probably put your calories at about 1400 or 1500, and it'll get lower as you lose weight. It's easier and better for you to do it this way, or at least that's how it's been for me. Make sure you log your exercise everyday, and your weight every week (it's best to weigh yourself in the morning, before breakfast).
  • deadlifting_diva
    deadlifting_diva Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Marnie! I am new here, just joined last week. I am also trying to restrict to 1200 calories per day. In addition, I'm trying to quit smoking and start exercising. I know how you feel with the hunger. I think the first day was the worst for me. I have previously done Atkins, any time I've wanted to lose a little weight. However, I got married in September, the diet went out the door, and I put on 25 pounds! Now I have high blood pressure and am trying to lose weight through watching what I eat, instead of cutting carbs.

    Anyway, back to the 1200 calories a day. I use the mobile app that this website provides to add all my foods as I eat them, and sometimes to plan out my food for the day. I've found the food database is very thorough, there's nothing I haven't been able to find and log. The app really helps track the calories as you go. As far as the hunger goes, I am trying to space my snacks and meals out so that I am not so hungry all the time. First, instead of waiting until I have hunger pangs and am ravenous, I am grabbing a small snack (1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds or a piece of fruit) and eating it as soon as I feel even slightly hungry and before my brain convinces me I want macaroni and cheese for lunch instead. I follow that up with 8-16 oz of water to get a fuller feeling.

    I am also a stay at home mom and have trouble mustering up motivation to exercise. I would suggest, if you have a Wii or Playstation, that you try Dance Dance Revolution. It is a bit frustrating when you begin, but will quickly burn calories equivalent to a fast run. Plus it is much more fun than running on a treadmill while staring off into space or constantly eyeing the display to see if your time/distance is up yet. In addition to that, I do yoga poses with Wii Fit, which is also good for accurately tracking your weight.

    Another thing that helps get me motivated is to remind myself that, if I don't get up and do the exercise when I'm thinking about it, I will likely never get around to it. I also like to think of how great I feel afterward and that usually gets me going enough to at least to a little.

    Hope this helps a little!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    1. If its too hard, you won't stick with it.
    2. I am guessing you selected 2lbs a week for a weight loss goal, consider lowering it to 1.5 or even 1. Yes, it may take longer, but if you find 1210 impossible to maintain, you likely won't stick ith it. And you won't ever see results if you dont' stick with it. Don't make this harder than it already is.
    3. Exercise. Eat at least some of those extra calories. The harder you work, the more you should eat. I say at least some because MFP often overestimates those. If you want to be more accurate, invest in a heartrate monitor. I also really suggest lifting weights, more than just 10 minutes.

    Feeding your body is important in both being able to stay with this long term and not negatively affecting your metabolism down the road. Cutting your calories as low as you can go may work faster in the short term, but it will cause problems in the long term.

    You aren't at a plateau. A plateau is several weeks of no movement on the scale. Not losing one week is completely normal. Weight loss is not linear. I know we all want to see the scale move every week but it just doesn't happen that way. Sometimes it stays the same, sometimes it even goes up. Keep in mind that water weight can hide minor losses. Many things affect water retention from the time of the month, to how much of certain nutrients we are getting (sodium, potasssium, etc) and even sleep.
  • jrdennis13
    One thing that might help is to focus on eating a bit more protein and I know this sounds sacrilege, but a bit more "clean" fats. Both fats and proteins will help you to feel full throughout the day. Also, not really sure what your caloric burn is during exercise, the key to weight loss is a steady state of daily calorie deficit from your daily caloric need. Typically the average person burns around 2000 calories a day, you're getting 1200 as an intake and possibly losing between 200-400 during exercise. If this is your actual daily routine, then your net calories might be in the range of 800-1000 a day. This might be a bit too low. One possible explanation is that your body may feel that it is in starvation mode (which may explain the cravings and hunger pangs you feel) so to compensate, your body may be trying to save calories simply for survival. Super low calorie diets will also cause the body to retain more water than normal. That's another key ingredient, drink a whole lot of water throughout the day. Try to replace all other forms of fluid with pure water. 1200 a day isn't bad, as long as you achieve 1200 daily, meaning that what ever you burn off during exercise needs to be replenished. Researching clean foods may help too, Paleo is really big on a clean diet. Banishes refined carbs for clean natural carbs primarily from vegetables and fruit and lean cuts of meat (chicken, turkey, and fish) it also banishes all dairy. But if you're going to work out daily, it may be beneficial to supplement with complex carbs. I usually mix a half cup of old fashion oatmeal to a protein shake. HOnestly pasta (in any form) is the worst thing for a diet for so many reasons. HIghly processed, loaded with simple sugars. Whole wheat pasta is somewhat better, but ultimately I would refrain from pasta until you are much closer to your goal.
  • blooomers
    blooomers Posts: 61 Member
    Wow lots of great advice.. let me see if i can address all the que's..

    I don't drink any soda.

    My mfp says to get 1210 calories a day. I have an extremely hard time getting to 1200. I don't know how i would get to 1400!!

    I want to lose 45 pounds.

    One of my biggest problems is........ am i eating healthy or do i THINK i'm eating healthy...?... I go to eatbetteramerica.com and skinnytaste.com for ideas.

    My average day goes as such....
    -breakfast..... 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and 1/4 cup of pineapple tidbits. (either 2 cuties (clementines) or 2 pieces of toast added to that) or oatmeal with a dash of sugar and cinnemon and 2 pieces of toast.

    -lunch....... most of the time, i don't eat lunch. but when i do, it usually consists of a couple of cuties or toast or a salad.

    -supper...... the meat is either chicken, turkey or fish. some type of wheat pasta or brown rice and a veggie.

    -snack..... everyday i eat a 3.75 oz. bag of sunflower kernels. i am totally addicted to them!!!

    my life change isn't hard but getting myself motivated to do it, is.

    We have a ps3 and i have NO clue on how to work that thing! Have you seen the controller for those things!!! Good grief! Makes my head hurt just looking at it!!!! So no go there.
    We used to have a wii. My cat knocked it down and broke it. I will just leave it at that. =)
    My fiancee has the only working vehicle and i live in the country. So going to a gym isn't going to work out. =(
    I would LOVE to go outside and do something. But ummmmmm, i live in Indiana and it's freezing, so no thank you!
    Come spring i will be outside daily. I am an avid gardner!!!

    Errrrrrr, i think that's everything...?...
  • blooomers
    blooomers Posts: 61 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom too. I've noticed the more water I drink and the more I exercise, the more energy I actually have to work out. I bought the biggest loser for kinect, it's hard for me because I haven't done any exercise in about 5 years but it is motivational. This site has also made me really aware of what I'm eating. I tried using my kids and husband as motivation, but that didn't work for me at all. I know they will love me no matter what. What worked for me, was to stop calling this a diet. To me a diet seems too temporary. I need to make this change permanent. I don't do it for anyone else. I am doing it for myself. I'm not happy with what I see when I look in the mirror and that in itself is huge motivation.

    I am doing the same thing. I am doing this for me. I'm not doing this for my fiancee or for anyone else. I think that is why i have been able to do good so far. And i haven't exercised in 10 years! Wow i sound old. REally i'm only 33. I had kids at 20. So at times i do feel old. It doesn't help that i have arthritis thru my whole spine, my si joint is bad and i have 3 bad discs as well. I have a habit of doing too much!!! My fiancee and myself has moved a lot in our past and I am always the one to help move stuff. It boggels peoples mind when they see how much i can lift. Hence the bad spine i guess.
    My fiancee says how much he loves how i look now but i don't feel the same. I want to be able to wear a tank top that i don't have to constantly pull down or jeans that i don't have to pull up all the time. I for once in 10years want to be able to open my closet and not dread picking out clothes. I am not looking to be a size 4. I look really sick and odd in anything smaller than a 6. So i am going to hold my head high, lace up sneakers and padlock the fridge....
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 851 Member
    My fiancee says how much he loves how i look now but i don't feel the same. I want to be able to wear a tank top that i don't have to constantly pull down or jeans that i don't have to pull up all the time. I for once in 10years want to be able to open my closet and not dread picking out clothes. I am not looking to be a size 4. I look really sick and odd in anything smaller than a 6. So i am going to hold my head high, lace up sneakers and padlock the fridge....

    That right there... right there with you.