

  • I vote Odonna..she really helps keep me motivated on some days. Constantly reassuring me that I can do this..
  • welcome. =] I just joined this week, and i'm addicted to this place already. Trust me, you have came to the right place.
  • I have had similar experiences, except mine didn't go as smoothly as yours. I have always had confidence issues, however let my friend set me up on a blind double date with her and her fiance' and a guy she knew from school. He and I texted and talked on the phone for about a week or two before we actually met, I even sent…
  • oh yeah. =] count me in. I could use all the motivation I can get.
  • I agree..Dance. Even if you don't have a dance video, turn on some fast paced music and both of you can dance. Play games inside or out, hide and seek, there are lots of ways to get excersize with him/her there with you. Make it fun.
  • Hi Shane, I'm Robin. I am both new to the Posts and the website. This really seems like a great place.
    in Hey! Comment by rna2007 July 2010
  • Yes, I do know this too well. I am a major insomniac, seems as though I never sleep when I should be sleeping. At one point it got better and then, about a week ago, it resurfaced again.
  • Yumm...a PB apple. Sounds like a great plan. I have a problem with staying up until 2 and 3 in the morning, and around midnight or so, I get late night cravings really bad. I try my best not to eat before I go to bed, so this just leaves me a bit hungary. I always try to set limits, like "I wont eat anything after 8 or 9*,…
  • Hi everyone. I am very new to MFP, however not so new to this whole diet thing. I have 100 pounds to loose, and to me it seems as though i'll never do it. I sit now and think, wow this is going to be a long, hard road. I know it will be worth it in the end, and I can really use the extra motivation. I have done really well…