

  • I am very proud of you! You have to be honest with yourself and be able to admit your weakness. Now that you've faced your issues I have no doubt you will get back on track!! Your success is just around the corner..go get it!
  • Congrats!!!! It really does help to see a good success story :happy:
  • Losing a small person heh? I think with your attitude you can do it! Glad to meet you, and good luck. If you are looking for friends to support you, feel free to add me...I would be happy to offer support. One arm/leg at a time..but I heard a head weighs quite a go for it!!
  • Hi Den75! There's alot of new members here, as well as old, who share in your struggles. I have been logging in 7 days...a accomplishment for me. I find that making some friends on MFP will help, so far I have one friend (sure would like more) and she sends me support every day. Whether you're from the North or South, the…
  • I really feel for you and understand. My main cravings occur in the evening and it's a non-stop fight to keep from eating everything in my house. And, like you, I sure wish there was a pill that would stop it...but there isn't. The most you can do is try...attempt to figure out what your triggers are and how to avoid them.…
  • Please add me! I would love to have someone to help encourage me, and I promise to do the same!! Can you tell me how that works, I'm new on here. Thanks!
  • Believe me I know how you feel. I crave food so badly that it takes over my life! I would not tell yourself that giving in is ok because if you are like me, the same thing will happen tomorrow. You have to live for today, right now, this very second. If you make it past your craving then you have taken back your control,…