

  • Hello Ann, I've been here before for a few months and it was a good experience. I had some 'stuff' happen where I had to stop for a while but I'm back now. I'm hoping I can post a 16 pound loss like you some day!
  • Good for you! I haven' t gotten that far yet but I'm on my way. I'm on Actos also. It would be great to NOT BE on it.
  • Hello, I'm Terre. I was a member here a few months back but 'stuff ' happened and kept me from being faithful to the site. Now, I've slowed down a little and I'm going to be more faithful to writing it all down. It really helped me a few months ago and I'm planning on it helping again.
  • Hello, I live in Michigan. I've been a type two for five years and have it under control most days. My A1c is 6.5 and goes down often. It's difficult losing weight as a diabetic but this plan is a great help. I hope to lose a few pounds and get lower numbers every week, or at least steady ones.
  • I juce often. I use the raw equilivant of the veggies or fruit to count calories. Google 'juice recipes'h and you'll get lots of them.